• Coláiste Eoghain Ui Chomhraidhe, Carrigaholt, Co. Clare
    As part of our Irish culture and identity, as part of our community, to enhance our local economy this college needs to be reopened.
    903 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Rosie Keane
  • Stop St Helen's Court Eviction
    We, the undersigned, note: - The tenants of St Helen’s Court are threatened with eviction by a vulture fund - The current Notice to Quit is the fourth attempt in 3 years by vulture funds to evict these tenants - The current vulture fund and the one that previously owned the apartments are exploiting various loop holes in the residential tenancies legislation to bully and harass these tenants - The harassment is working and, so far, ten tenants have left the complex and found tenancies elsewhere - The remaining ten tenants are resisting the attempt to evict them and expect a hearing in the Residential Tenancies Board in the coming weeks We call on the Minister - To intervene in this situation and ensure Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council buy the apartments to provide affordable homes for these tenants. - Amend the current legislation to remove the loopholes that are currently being exploited by unscrupulous landlords and vulture funds. - Initiate legislation to outlaw all economic evictions.
    526 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Melisa Halpin
  • Declare Dublin a Sanctuary City
    The rise of racism in Dublin is something we are all very worried about. Last week, we saw Nazi salutes on Barrow street, and now we're seeing immigration officers operating out of Dublin Regional Homelessness Executive offices to target migrants experiencing homelessness. Dublin should be a welcoming city, that stands up to racism in all its forms; from the far right organising on our streets, to the National Government using their powers to target migrants in need of housing. Declaring Dublin a Sanctuary City could be the first step in making sure Ireland is a welcoming country that rejects racism in all its forms.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Duffy Picture
  • Bus for 22 Students from Ballygarrett & Killenagh to Creagh College, Gorey
    There are 22 children in the Killenagh/Ballygarrett area seeking school transport to Creagh College in Gorey, approximately 16km away. Half of the parents in our group have already built their lives around the fact that the children can be brought to Creagh College by the School Transport system. Some of these children are going into 6th year. This is an additional stress on an already stressful year for any student. We’ve looked into private busses and it is simply not affordable at €40-€50 per week per child. Some families have 3 children in the school and most of us will have multiple children over the coming years. We have been advised that €4m would solve this situation nationally. We need a solution locally in two weeks. We need action NOW!! #22forcreaghbus
    594 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Tina Regan
  • Save Clondalkin Convent
    Clondalkin is over 1,000 years old and is attracting more and more visitors to view its heritage. In this regard the proposed nursing home is wholly inappropriate. The four storey building would block the view of the limestone convent while the proposed brick finish is not at all in keeping with local architecture. In addition an antique stone wall on Convent Rd., would be knocked not to mention the additional traffic that would ensue in an already gridlocked village. The grounds and cloisters of the convent include an endangered species of bird, the Swift, which would be threatened by the construction. Such a development would detrimentally affect the historic character of Clondalkin and one of its most important heritage sites.
    1,433 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Clondalkin Village
  • Support Tenants Against Vulture Funds
    Val Issuer DAC are a vulture fund operating in Dublin, attempting to illegally evict over 80 rent paying and law-abiding tenants, including 20 children, for profit. This case involving Val Issuer DAC is horrendous but sadly representative of a much deeper crisis of evictions across the country. Evictions like those being pushed by O'Sullivan and Val Issuer DAC are the biggest factor driving people becoming homeless in Ireland. To stem the tide, People Before Profit - Solidarity TDs tabled an Anti-Eviction Bill in 2018 to ban evictions into homelessness by closing loopholes like the infamous "reneviction" clause of the Residential Tenancies Act. This bill was voted through two stages in the Dáil by majority and should be enacted into legislation but the Government has stalled it using anti-democratic procedures - just like they have with 65 other pieces of legislation brought by opposition TDs. First and foremost we are calling on Val Issuer DAC to drop the evictions of tenants from South Richmond street, Grove Park and Rosedale Terrace. We also call on the government and particularly, Housing Minister, Eoghan Murphy to take action to properly address the epidemic of evictions, particularly by vulture funds, accordingly, we demand: 1) Immediately enact the 2018 Anti-Eviction Bill. 2) Close Tax Loopholes like Section 110 that are used by investors to avoid tax liability in Ireland. 3) Regulate to ban REITs, vulture funds and other predatory investors from the Irish market and take their housing stock into public ownership as public housing and/or state administered mortgages.
    1,949 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Oppose Vulture Funds
  • Save kashmiris
    As a fellow human, please support this petition to allow people of Kashmir to be heard and justice served
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Khurram Iqbal
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Reilly
    When construction of the new harbour at Greystones, Co Wicklow, began, all harbour users, including the traditional fishermen and their boats, had their moorings and other facilities removed while the project was being built. When the harbour was complete, the other users such as leisure clubs were provided with full facilities including new clubhouses, boat yards, storage and so forth. But the fishermen and their boats were excluded. This was despite the promises and guarantees we were given before we left in 2008 and on many occasions since, and in spite of the fact that provision of facilities to commercial fishers was included in the planning approval granted by Bord Pleanala. In 2014, Wicklow County Council issued harbour by-laws which effectively excluded the fishing fleet. The by-laws give a nod to mooring rights but, by imposing other conditions that are impossible to meet, effectively barred the fishing fleet from Greystones Harbour and transformed this traditional community harbour into a purely leisure boating facility. We, the fishing families of Greystones, do not accept this expulsion and have launched our new campaign to ensure that we can return from ten years of exile to our home port, with full rights to moor, land our catch, store bait and other equipment, and generally carry on our trade as we and our predecessors have traditionally done in Greystones for hundreds of years.

 For more than ten years now, we have had to moor at Dun Laoghaire, with huge disruption to our family and social lives. We have to drive to Dun Laoghaire each morning, drive our boats back to our traditional fishing grounds near our home port, then land our catch at Dun Laoghaire before we ready our boats for the next day and FINALLY drive home to Greystones, usually well after eight in the evening after a pre-dawn start. Family life and time with our children have both suffered as a result. And being exiled to Dun Laoghaire adds €150 each week in fuel costs alone. Please sign this petition, which will be presented to the Minister for the Environment, the Minister for the Marine, and to the chief executive of Wicklow County Council. Your support can help ensure that we can come home at last, and that our skippers and crew can resume a normal existence. We now must negotiate with Wicklow County Council, and every person stepping forward to support our cause will influence how they deal with us and bring a positive outcome closer. Bring the boats home!
    657 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Basil Miller
  • No to Co-Living
    Because it is disrespectful, depressing and completely wrong. It is not the answer and the only people who would ever have to live like this are those who can't currently afford the ridiculous rent levels. Stop pushing people out of Dublin & think about the kind of cities and communities we want - not what developers want.
    266 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ber Grogan
  • Boycott 'Battery Cage Living' for our young professionals
    Everyone and every young professional should be able to afford a roof over their head, a house or apartment, not a shoebox room and communal dining and washing facilities. They now want to cage us as they milk us.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Bazigou
  • Save Bonnybrook Community Creche
    This is a vital service for parents and children in the community. Pressure needs to be put on Dublin City Council and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to come up with a solution to sustain this creche
    674 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Clodagh Leach