• Allow those with Irish IRP Cards visa-free EU and UK Travel
    Residents on IRP cards contribute a lot to taxes in Ireland and deserve the right to have a weekend away or holiday or travel for medical / family emergencies in the United Kingdom and Europe without hindrance. 
    1,263 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Grant Halstead
  • Put limits on the purchase of land by the mega wealthy
    It doesn’t have to be this way. There are alternatives. In France they have a system called SAFER which: *Intervenes in land sales in the public interest where there is land speculation by non farmers and billionaire investors *Ensures viable land holdings, *Maintains rural communities and the viability of   existing farms, *Controls prices so land is affordable. https://www.landcommission.gov.scot/downloads/6554aa4252c5a_Review%20of%20France%C3%94%C3%87%C3%96s%20SAFER%20Land%20Market%20Interventions.pdf Our politicians are avoiding this issue.  They have their heads in the sand. We demand that they address the problem now to ensure viable landholdings for farming families. Irish Family Farms is a group of landowners and other citizens who have got together to raise awareness of this issue and demand change. We will use this petition to apply pressure on government ministers McConalogue and Hackett to change the system and set up a multi-stakeholder Land Observatory. This would act as a watchdog to oversee land-related issues and foster collaboration to protect our most precious physical resource: our land.
    487 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Irish Family Farms
  • Ban Sale Of Used Power Tools At Markets And Car Boot Sales
    We think that by giving these tool thieves a platform, the government is enabling them to sell these tools for quick cash. We think that by not taking this action, the government is increasing the pressure on the police, who get calls about tool theft from all over the nation. Insurance companies are also impacted negatively by this crime. People in the trades struggle all over the nation to make ends meet and support their families. This must come to an end. We propose imposing a fine of €10,000 on individuals who vend used power tools at car boot sales or markets, as well as on those who arrange such events. Make it difficult for those who steal tools.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Buckley
  • Reduce the Cost of Gluten-Free Foods
    The high cost of gluten-free foods creates a significant financial burden, hindering coeliacs' ability to access necessary nutrition. By providing financial support, this ensures that coeliacs have equal opportunities to afford these essential dietary items, promoting their overall well-being and health equity.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gill Brennan
  • Reduce electricity prices
    Electricity prices have risen rapidly in the last couple of years. People are having problems paying their bills and covering their monthly costs. The government must intervene and force energy providers to lower their prices.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Álvaro Pérez Picture
  • We need a local bus for Mullingar town
    Let's make Mullingar accessible to everyone, bring the bus!
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Raimonda Masiulyte - Ramchurn
  • Push Cannabis Decriminalisation Bill NOW!
    On the back of the Citizens' Assembly, urgent change to cannabis policy is needed.
    3,896 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Crainn Campaign
  • Stop Targeting Disabled People with Discriminatory Policies - Tear up the Green Paper
    Disabled people want to live full and equal lives. We want to work in secure, adequately paid employment with the necessary education, skills, qualifications, access, opportunities, and services i.e. Personal supports and transport. Forcing people into discriminatory and degrading assessments and being categorised based on impairments for the purpose of social protection is degrading, inhumane, and tramples over our human rights as per UN Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities and the Employment Equality Act.
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Clare Leader Forum Rights Not Charity
  • Department of Education: Create a REAL Action Plan for Integrated Education
    In 2023, 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement, only 8% of NI kids go to integrated schools despite huge demand. Right now, the Department of Education has a public consultation on their 'Action Plan' and anyone can comment. Tell the Department of Education - we want a REAL Action Plan for integrated education.
    531 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon
  • 100% pay for statutory sick leave
    Sickness occurs through no fault of the employee, so why should they be punished for it? In times when inflation is soaring, interest rates on mortgages are rising, and bills at the tills are becoming bigger and bigger, an employee shouldn't have to do without 30% of their wages because they were sick.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick R.
  • Making mother Nature illegal is a crime against humanity
    I used to teach at The Cannabis College in Amsterdam and I have been involved in harm reduction and education around drugs for over 30 years. The fact cannabis is still illegal is reprehensible
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robbie Scanlon
  • Don’t build on Riverside Car Parks in Ennis
    Clare County Council has developed a strategy to develop Ennis and set up a company, Ennis 2040 DAC, to implement it. The strategy aims to enable Ennis to prosper as a vibrant civic, commercial, cultural and residential centre. We support these aims but NOT the project they are starting on now - a multi-storey commercial block on Abbey Street car park and a later project for two commercial blocks on Parnell Street car park. We ask Clare County Council to stop the plan to build on our riverside car parks because: • It removes car parking that our businesses and mobility impaired people need – a vibrant town needs vibrant businesses • It is a speculative development for high cost office and large retail that could end up as a white elephant in a prime location • It hands valuable open public space to private interests, space that is ideal place for our community to gather and enjoy river and town views • This generic development in the heart of the town could destroy what people love about Ennis - a medieval town with narrow, winding streets and laneways with the beautiful river Fergus meandering through it We ask Clare County Council not to transfer this public property to Ennis 2040 DAC, a company that can sell it on without consent by the county council or councillors. There are many vacant sites that exist in Ennis that are ideal for regeneration and development. We ask Clare County Council and Ennis 2040 DAC to focus on these. Do you want large private buildings on our riverside car parks? If not, please sign our petition and share it with others who also want to stop this madness. You can also sign this petition in person at many of the businesses in Ennis Town Save Ennis Town is a group drawn from the general public including community, business, retail and political representatives. It formed after a public meeting on 4th May 2023 in the Temple Gate Hotel with over 200 people, all concerned about elements of the Ennis 2040 plans. We aim to have constructive engagement with Ennis 2040 DAC and develop a plan that will enhance our town for everyone.
    1,378 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Ennis Town Picture