• Make Irish Rugby's 150th Anniversary Jersey their home Jersey for the 2024/2025 Season
    I think I can safely say that I speak for every single Irish Rugby Fan with this petition.  This is Irish Rugby's 150th Anniversary, a landmark season that needs to be a stand out one and recognized globally.  This can't be done with the generic, collarless, socceresque jersey that was released last week.  This can't only be done with the traditional, iconic white collared Green & Gold Jersey that was announced today.  Forget the talk of limited edition, we don't want this as a souvenir jersey with no game time played in it, all true Irish Rugby fans urge the IRFU, Canterbury & Elverys Sports to reconsider their decision while there's still time and make this absolutely stunning design as Irish Rugby's home Jersey for the 2024/2025 season.  Do your part by signing this position but also do that little bit more and point blank refuse to buy the forgettable, round neck, turquoise jersey that was released last week.  Thanks for taking the time to read  Philip O'Reilly 
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip O'Reilly
  • Homes not Fences at the Grand Canal
    Since May Waterways Ireland has erected steel fences all along the Grand Canal. Waterways Ireland's antisocial management of our canals, and the government's inhumane treatment of Dublin's homeless and homeless asylum seekers must be opposed. The erection of steel fencing along the Grand Canal this year is an escalation in a long-term policy of Waterways Ireland to prioritise anti-homeless action and infrastructure over their role in restoring, developing, and pinoting Ireland's waterways. These fences are more than physical barriers; they represent the deliberate exclusion of certain groups from public spaces and, by extension, from society. This exclusion is part of a broader pattern within our economic and political system that prioritises the interests of capital over those of ordinary citizens. The current actions of Waterways Ireland, including the erection of these barriers, disproportionately affect vulnerable groups such as asylum seekers, the homeless population, and working-class people. Public spaces are meant to be inclusive areas that foster community and provide safe havens for all, However, the recent actions by Waterways Ireland have turned these spaces into sites of exclusion and hostility. The fences have an estimated cost of €30,000 a week and its maintenance assumed to continue up to October could cost as much as €390,000. This money could be better spent addressing the housing crisis by providing real solutions and support for those in need. These barriers are tools of division and exclusion. They are being used to weaponize the immigration issue in Ireland, particularly to divide working-class communities that are already suffering from the deliberate degradation of social services, including public housing, healthcare, and education. Instead of listening to our calls for a humane and constructive solution to this disgraceful situation Waterways Ireland has instead referred to it as not ideal' and has called for 'restraint’. They have refused to engage in dialogue while simultaneously claiming a commitment to “actively involving communities in the stewardship of these vital resources”. The lack of communication, transparency and accountability can go on no longer. We as residents are speaking up.  We demand 1. Remove fencing on the Grand Canal 2. No more hostile architecture  3. Stop evicting refugees and Irish people  4. Secure accommodation, tenancy rights and right to union representation through the Community Action Tenants Union for everyone homeless, in temporary, IPAS and emergency accommodation
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Take Back Our Spaces
  • Passport Failures Ireland
    Because recent we lost out on a family holiday and due to no communication from the passport office even when they have been contacted in relation to passports they still didn’t give no information until a TD contact them on our behalf. We not only lost out on my daughters first holiday, a family holiday the first since my brother passed away but also my sisters 50th birthday. I am more angry that when I posted this that hundreds across Ireland have come up against the same problem 
    158 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Mc Gettigan
  • Allow those with Irish IRP Cards visa-free EU and UK Travel
    Residents on IRP cards contribute a lot to taxes in Ireland and deserve the right to have a weekend away or holiday or travel for medical / family emergencies in the United Kingdom and Europe without hindrance. 
    1,590 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Grant Halstead
  • Put limits on the purchase of land by the mega wealthy
    It doesn’t have to be this way. There are alternatives. In France they have a system called SAFER which: *Intervenes in land sales in the public interest where there is land speculation by non farmers and billionaire investors *Ensures viable land holdings, *Maintains rural communities and the viability of   existing farms, *Controls prices so land is affordable. https://www.landcommission.gov.scot/downloads/6554aa4252c5a_Review%20of%20France%C3%94%C3%87%C3%96s%20SAFER%20Land%20Market%20Interventions.pdf Our politicians are avoiding this issue.  They have their heads in the sand. We demand that they address the problem now to ensure viable landholdings for farming families. Irish Family Farms is a group of landowners and other citizens who have got together to raise awareness of this issue and demand change. We will use this petition to apply pressure on government ministers McConalogue and Hackett to change the system and set up a multi-stakeholder Land Observatory. This would act as a watchdog to oversee land-related issues and foster collaboration to protect our most precious physical resource: our land.
    488 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Irish Family Farms
  • Ban Sale Of Used Power Tools At Markets And Car Boot Sales
    We think that by giving these tool thieves a platform, the government is enabling them to sell these tools for quick cash. We think that by not taking this action, the government is increasing the pressure on the police, who get calls about tool theft from all over the nation. Insurance companies are also impacted negatively by this crime. People in the trades struggle all over the nation to make ends meet and support their families. This must come to an end. We propose imposing a fine of €10,000 on individuals who vend used power tools at car boot sales or markets, as well as on those who arrange such events. Make it difficult for those who steal tools.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Buckley
  • Reduce the Cost of Gluten-Free Foods
    The high cost of gluten-free foods creates a significant financial burden, hindering coeliacs' ability to access necessary nutrition. By providing financial support, this ensures that coeliacs have equal opportunities to afford these essential dietary items, promoting their overall well-being and health equity.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gill Brennan
  • Reduce electricity prices
    Electricity prices have risen rapidly in the last couple of years. People are having problems paying their bills and covering their monthly costs. The government must intervene and force energy providers to lower their prices.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Álvaro Pérez Picture
  • We need a local bus for Mullingar town
    Let's make Mullingar accessible to everyone, bring the bus!
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Raimonda Masiulyte - Ramchurn
  • Push Cannabis Decriminalisation Bill NOW!
    On the back of the Citizens' Assembly, urgent change to cannabis policy is needed.
    3,897 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Crainn Campaign
  • Stop Targeting Disabled People with Discriminatory Policies - Tear up the Green Paper
    Disabled people want to live full and equal lives. We want to work in secure, adequately paid employment with the necessary education, skills, qualifications, access, opportunities, and services i.e. Personal supports and transport. Forcing people into discriminatory and degrading assessments and being categorised based on impairments for the purpose of social protection is degrading, inhumane, and tramples over our human rights as per UN Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities and the Employment Equality Act.
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Clare Leader Forum Rights Not Charity
  • Department of Education: Create a REAL Action Plan for Integrated Education
    In 2023, 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement, only 8% of NI kids go to integrated schools despite huge demand. Right now, the Department of Education has a public consultation on their 'Action Plan' and anyone can comment. Tell the Department of Education - we want a REAL Action Plan for integrated education.
    531 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon