• Stop the handover of DCC land to the John Player Factory Developers
    The development as planned is against DCC's own masterplan, contrary to an Bord Pleanalas own inspectors report and against the wishes of the entire community.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Clarke
  • Support E-learning for kids during a pandemic
    Keep our kids safe, keep ourselves safe so we can keep our Ireland safe!!!
    764 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Yana Wang
  • Minimum wage should be a living wage.
    It raises quality of life for everyone; with more adequate living standards for the many people that are now barely surviving on a very unjust minimum wage that puts 'gross' profit before human individuals, families and communities whose welfare is the very cornerstone of our society in the first place.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Kelleher
  • Dunshaughlin - Plastic Free Shopping in Aldi
    Plastic packaging in supermarkets is one of the largely uneccesary uses for plastic in Ireland. We once got by perfectly without it, and that's what we need to do now. If we can support Aldi in bringing in a new zero-waste aisle, there could be a whole village-load less of plastic pollution coming from Dunshaughlin.
    313 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ailbhe Reilly Tuite
  • Rid our food chain of Single Use Plastics
    Single use plastics are damaging to the environment, non-recyclable and are a by product of the oil industry. With rocketing co2 levels and extreme weather events now a reality, we need to divest.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emer Fallon
  • Limit chain stores to preserve small business and the heritage of Galway
    Galway is becoming a carbon copy city and losing what makes it special. It is becoming uniform, full of multinational chains instead of the beautiful independent businesses it once had and is famous for.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clare Anne
  • Strengthen laws on greyhound racing after RTE investigates programme
    It's important because Ireland as a country and a people have a reputation of been caring towards animals a reputation that the RTE investigates programme seriously questions. Secondly because the irish taxpayer is giving this industry 16.5million euro every year which equates to a quarter of a billion since the early 2000's and as such the animals in question deserve proper treatment and care and if the bodies who control the sport don't want to then the taxpayer who funds it should hold them to account. Thirdly because precedent has been set Sports Ireland withdrew 3 million of funding from FAI over strange financial practices and a loan from its CEO to the organisation yet the Irish Greyhound Board gets 16.5 million to allow the practices highlighted in Wednesday RTE Investigates programme which for me it just as bad if not worse than what FAI were doing
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Conor Mulcahy
  • An Honest Reply from Axa
    I abhor the human rights abuses that are taking place in Palestine. I cannot be a customer of a company that supports, whether directly or indirectly, the occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel and the ensuing human suffering that it inflicts. International human rights group SumOfUs suggests that the insurer is violating international law by financing the arms maker Elbit Systems. SumOfUs has accused AXA of contributing to the suffering of the Palestinian people by having a financial interest in Elbit Systems and three Israeli banks that “finance Israel’s illegal settlement expansion.” SumOfUs’ campaign comes after the International Federation of Human Rights allegedly found that several French financial groups, including AXA, are directly or indirectly linked with Israeli businesses involved in settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory. In reply, AXA has said "Our investments in the Israeli banks targeted by this campaign represent around 0.004% of the Group’s assets under management and are mainly assets managed for third party clients of our asset management subsidiaries." What I would like know is, are AXA still involved in these investments, and how much in real monetary terms 0.004% accounts for? If it such a small amount, as they suggest, why don't they just drop it?
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniele Dreyer
  • Introduce legislation to regulate the use of the word “Institute” in Ireland
    The word ‘Institute’ conveys a sense of learning, gravitas and professionalism. Any organization that wishes to be called an institute should be required to comply with a set of national standards to ensure the public are not mislead by the term in that organizations title. We strictly regulate the domain name .ie to ensure a high set of standards are complied with. We should consider this to be no less important.
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Cillian Murphy
  • Connemara stone walls
    Connemara stone walls are a distinct landmark of the west of Ireland that were put up during famine times by the local farming landlords as a way of clearing the land for the growing of crops to feed the population when it was badly needed they are a reminder of the past and now a landmark and to our heritage.They should be protected in the fullest way possible and made a protected area of importance to Ireland and its way of life
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheal Morgan
  • Stop The unfair trading practices of PHECC
    pre hospital emergency care council will be the only accreditation body for first aid in the workplace. They are preventing qualified instructors from advertising this service. PHECC instructors are nurses , fire fighters , medical technicians and paramedics but Now PHECC are forcing them out of the market to the benefit of a select few larger companies. First aid instructors help us to save lives and PHECC wants to force us into unfair contracts without agreeing payment structures and without any rights as employees such as holiday pay or sick pay. Higher costs for life saving training will cost lives and will harm the public as a whole. Please sign our petition- we need life saving training of the highest standard available and accessible to all people not just the privileged few.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Sheehan
  • Stop unsustainable insurance price increases for charitable organizations
    A charity which I am a member has had a recent 20% increase imposed on it. This money would be far better spent in looking after the welfare of our members
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Lavin