• Complaints against Facebook
    Join this campaign if you are not happy how Facebook is being managed at the moment, Fake profiles are not removed as it should be ,scammers have the free hand and are not removed most of the time when reported and innocent users who do nothing wrong get restrictions on their activities without any explanation from Facebook. Group functions are not working as they should be, and the list of complaints goes on an on....
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annemarie Healy
  • Mothers against Genocide call on Lidl to stop selling Israeli products
    Since the beginning of Israel’s current attack on Gaza 5 months ago, over 40,000 civilians have been murdered, including over 14,000 children. This is 6 times higher than the number of children killed in the war in Ukraine and the highest rate of children killed in any conflict in modern times. Given these stark statistics, the people of Ireland are horrified that Lidl has chosen an Israeli supplier for its baby products and demand that Lidl cuts its ties with Israel immediately. Lidl’s brand Lupilu wipes are currently made in Ashdod, Israel. Formerly Isdud, a large town of 48,000, it was entirely ethnically cleansed of its Palestinian population in 1948, with no one allowed to return.

Lidl has also purchased baby wipes from Albaad, a company based in Caesarea (formerly Qisarya) in historic Palestine. This is another town that was entirely ethnically cleansed in 1948.  Continuing to source wipes from Israel, is continuing to support the utter horror and devastation being committing against the people of Palestine. In doing so, Lidl also disregards the effects on staff of processing goods whose profits fund the genocide being committed against babies and children in Gaza. It is important to note that all workers' have a right to conscientously object to handling goods that fund genocide. According to the latest Red-C poll, the majority of Irish people support the boycott of Israeli goods. There can be no business as usual with a brutal apartheid state where Palestinians are attacked, imprisoned and murdered on a daily basis.
    2,564 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Scanlan
  • Stop Irish Shops Supporting Israel
    Israel is withholding food, water and medical aid from Gaza. Babies and children are starving and dehydrating to death. Aid is being seized or turned away by Israeli forces at the border. They are using starvation and deprivation of medical aid as a weapon and children are paying the price.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Shilling
  • Extend the Development Contribution Waiver
    Self-builders are saving between €7k and €30k+ thanks to the development contribution waiver. It's been extended until the end of 2024, which is great news for those who are at the planning stage or looking for a builder to hire. With construction costs high and builders hard to get, we need the waiver permanently instated those building a new family home.
    2,206 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Selfbuild Ireland Picture
  • Stop the greedy gambling corporations
    Gambling addiction has the highest suicide rate of any addiction and problem gambling is on a sharp rise in Ireland. With gambling corporations constantly advertising their products and hiring data scientists and psychology experts to make their apps more addictive, we are in desperate need of proper regulation. Currently, the gambling industry in Ireland self-regulates. The Programme for Government in 2020 promised to establish an official gambling regulator but it still hasn't happened.
    718 of 800 Signatures
  • Save Tallaght Post Office!
    An Post is planning to privatise Tallaght Post Office. They have advertised for applications for a postmaster to take over the post office with a deadline of March 16th. Workers have been told that the current post office will be closed down in the next three to six months and moved somewhere else. An Post have said it is “too early to say” where it will end up. Many of the workers have been working there for decades and are worried about their pensions. If they don’t want to work in the new privatised post office, they are only being offered redeployment with An Post, which could be miles away. No redundancy option is being offered. Paul Murphy, People Before Profit’s Tallaght TD, questioned the Taoiseach in the Dáil on March 5th about the future of the post office. Leo Varadkar replied that it was “a matter for An Post”. That’s not good enough! Tallaght Post Office is more than just a post office. It is a community hub where locals and pensioners meet every week and workers give time and help to the customers. It is known as a place where extra help and care are given to any customer that needs it. Privatisation threatens all of that. Sign the petition today to say An Post must halt their privatisation plans and meet with the workers immediately!
    1,598 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Diana O'Dwyer
  • Don't allow Ireland's new auto-enrolment pension scheme to invest in Fossil Fuels or Arms
    It is reckless and immoral to fund the fossil fuel industry when scientists are screaming at us that fossil fuels must remain in the ground if we are to have a chance at avoiding the worst scenarios of climate chaos. Pensions are funds put aside for our future, but there is no decent future on a planet ravaged by runaway climate change. The Automatic Enrolment (AE) Retirement Savings System Bill is an important piece of legislation which is being designed to simplify the pensions decision for workers and make it easier for employers to offer a workplace pension. Initially, approximately 750,000 workers will be enrolled into the AE pension scheme and that number will grow significantly over time. The pensions will be topped up, not just by employers, but also by state contributions. Therefore if these pension funds are invested in fossil fuels, the state too will be culpable. The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection reviewed the draft Bill that would establish the AE pension scheme and included in its report the recommendation, "The Committee recommends that the investment funds be prohibited from investing in fossil fuels or the arms industry." https://data.oireachtas.ie/ie/oireachtas/committee/dail/33/joint_committee_on_social_protection_community_and_rural_development_and_the_islands/reports/2023/2023-05-03_report-on-pre-legislative-scrutiny-of-the-general-scheme-of-the-automatic-enrolment-retirement-savings-system-bill-2022_en.pdf In 2018, Ireland became the first country in the world to divest from fossil fuel companies. It would be a huge step backwards to start investing vast sums of taxpayers', workers’ and employers’ money in those same fossil fuel companies again now. We call on Minister Heather Humphreys, as the Minister responsible for introducing the legislation establishing the AE Pensions Scheme, to implement the Oireachtas Committee's recommendation and keep this new pension fund from funding the escalation of climate disasters and wars.
    487 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Divest Ireland
  • Reverse the Hubble Rent Hike
    Students in Galway are already paying some of the highest rents and tution fees in Europe, and yet this accommodation provider deems it's appropriate to take advantage of the severe lack of suitable accommodation in this city and increase their rents. This will not be taken lightly, and we ask you to sign this petition to show this provider it's not acceptable.
    1,190 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dean Kenny
  • Stop Aughinish Dumping Sediment Across The Shannon Estuary
    The Shannon is the main artery of this country, and home to a vast array of wildlife, including dolphins and salmon. Endangering this rich habitat would be an act of environmental vandalism that is unacceptable to our people and, surely, to our Greens-supported Government. The people of Clare, Kerry and Limerick have long been worried about the health impacts of the red waste dust from the plant that flies into our communities and our food chains and water supplies. The spreading of such vast quantities of sediment into our waterways could present a risk to human, animal, fish and plant life. We ask, and expect, our politicians to say "No! Enough!"
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gary Brooks
  • The removal of Joe Biden mural in Ballina
    Having a large mural of US president Joe Biden in Ballina reflects very badly on the people of Ballina, Mayo and Ireland who hold very different views to Joe regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
    2,279 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Ginty
  • Save Leixlip Post Office
    The Grant Thornton Report on the Post Office Network stated that the withdrawal of a post office from an area has a significant impact on the remaining businesses due to the impact on local footfall. Leixlip needs investment from the local authority, busiesses and AN Post to enable it to thrive. To assist it in developing employment and educational opportunities, developing its infrastructure, tackling vacancy and dereliction, and putting unused buildings to use. Any efforts to take the post office out of the town centre would be in stark contrast to what Leixlip needs. Leixlip has demographics that mean more people depend on services like those currently provided by An Post, and therefore need easily accessible services. Anything but a town centre location cannot be accepted, and the people of Leixlip need assurances that its post office will remain in the town centre.
    578 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nuala Killeen
  • Reduce electricity prices
    Electricity prices have risen rapidly in the last couple of years. People are having problems paying their bills and covering their monthly costs. The government must intervene and force energy providers to lower their prices.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Álvaro Pérez Picture