• Domestic violence - Men against DV
    Because domestic violence is'the great taboo' We men have to speak out loud and clear to say it is wrong. It's always wrong and can never be condoned or justified. It's past time we hear men speaking. Come on men...stand together with our women.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Morahan
  • Trial a cycle path on Dublin’s quays in 2020
    Plans have been mulled for years to try to keep everybody happy. But an apparent solution made public in May 2019 includes removal of rows of trees, narrowing footpaths, interfering with historic bridge walls, and even the removal of some existing pedestrian crossings. And for what? The draft plans show a route which is not continuous, leaves people cycling exposed at junctions, and looks too narrow for current demand in cycling. Often a lack of funding is given as a reason for delaying projects, but the Liffey Cycle Route has mainly suffered an issue with “politics of space” — mostly a fear of removing cars from parts of the quays despite international examples showing that this is the way to go.  This is as much about what kind of capital city Ireland wants as it is about cycling: A car-dominated city centre or enabling sustainable transport which is better for transport capacity, health, the local air quality, and even climate change -- which is better for local residents, business, workers and tourism.   Cycling has increased in Dublin in the last decade but the creation of safe and attractive cycle routes has remained stalled long after economic recovery while at the same time extra lanes have been added to motorways near the city. Rather then keep spending years of planning each route, Dublin needs to start a quick-build network and there's no better place to start than the quays which connects so much of the city. We are asking that city and national authorities go back to the previous plan of continuous two-way cycle path on the quays to at least trial it for 8-12 months and then ask if people want to go back to the way things are now. MORE DETAILS:  How a two-way cycle path on the north quays can be trialed -- Can Dublin #GreenTheQuays if it means disrupting car traffic?: https://irishcycle.com/2019/08/06/can-dublin-greenthequays-if-it-means-disrupting-car-traffic/ How the NTA’s plan for the Liffey Cycle Route is on the wrong path for Dublin’s future: https://irishcycle.com/2019/05/22/liffey-cycle-route-is-on-the-wrong-path-for-dublins-future/ ‬ ‬ Motor traffic around Dublin's River Liffey quays shocked international cycling experts https://irishcycle.com/2019/12/09/motor-traffic-around-dublins-river-liffey-quays-shocked-international-cycling-experts/ Liffey Cycle Route: Timeline and coverage: https://irishcycle.com/2019/12/10/liffey-cycle-route-timeline-and-coverage/
    4,463 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Cian Ginty
  • From Boom to Bust ! Mary Harney does not deserve to be honored.
    Mary Harney sold every woman in Ireland down the river when she out sourced cervical smear tests to a laboratory outside of Ireland, which resulted in the death sentence of 222+ women. She was also part of this government that brought the country to its knees when her party agreed to the disastrous bank bail out. “It is a noted practice in institutions throughout the world and will leave a legacy for generations to come of those that helped to shape and build the environment they occupy. Mary Harneys legacy resulted in death and misery for many families, therefore she does not deserve to be honored in any way shape or form !
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan Walsh
  • Ban Toxic Glyphosate in Northern Ireland
    Figures obtained by the Derry Journal from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) show that almost 60,000 acres of land in Northern Ireland were sprayed with glyphosate in the last two years for which data is available. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the brand which is manufactured by US agriculture company Monsanto. In 2015 the World Health Organisation concluded that the pesticide was 'probably carcinogenic to humans'. Despite this DAERA has stated it is likely to continue to be used in Northern Ireland until 2022 at least. The EU re-approved the use of glyphosate in 2017 however, in the last few years it has been banned by countries including France, Germany, Sri Lanka, El Salvador, the Netherlands, Argentina, Columbia, Peru and Mexico.
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Save the NHS in Northern Ireland
    The National Health Service in Northern Ireland is at breaking point. Just this week, 10,000 out-patient appointments were cancelled and more than 300,000 people are waiting to see a consultant. One in five cancer patients now receive their diagnosis in an Emergency Department. Despite this, the Department for Health continues to spend eye-watering amounts of money to private agencies to plug the staffing gaps, rather than hire permanent nurses and pay them properly. Nurses in Northern Ireland are paid much less than their colleagues in England, Wales and Scotland, and they say that staffing levels are 'unsafe'.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Public Inquiry Into Tusla Petition
    The failures of mothers and babies in the past in being excused on the grounds of ignorance. Future generations will never forgive this generation for a failure to hold TUSLA to account for it's incompetence to parents and children. TUSLA'S remit is very far reaching covering areas beyond child protection and welfare including domestic sexual and gender based violence services, retention of adoption records, early years services and education welfare. TUSLA is responsible for the most venerable members of our society, OUR CHILDREN,PAST AND PRESENT. Their failures will have lasting effects for many decades into the future. While there have been inquiries into some aspects of how TUSLA operates, there has never been a public inquiry into TUSLA as an overall body.
    2,266 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Scanlon
  • Improve Transgender Healthcare in Ireland
    Long waiting list, lack of services and expert professionals are seriously harming the transgender community in Ireland, who are already among the most vulnerable community in Ireland. It is imperative to move from a psychiatric model of healthcare to a self-informed consent model. Within the current psychiatric model, people are having to wait long periods for a compulsory psychiatric evaluations before being able to access basic treatments such as hormone therapy. Long wait times are often traumatic and leave people with little options. In many cases people are therefore forced to seek treatment or surgery abroad. It is time that Ireland uses the WPATH model (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) and adopts a healthcare guideline inline with best practice.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Reid
  • Issue Michael creed minister for agriculture with p45
    Its extremely important that farmers take the time to sighn this petition , as I feel its the first step and only step in rectifying the great imbalances that farmers are experiencing, when we as independent farmers elect our own representative to hold position as minister for agriculture, then we as a farming community can work towards resolving farmers issues re instating farmers rights equality something that is being rashioned at present, we can resolve the great imbalances being experienced
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Curran
  • No to the Cork LNG terminal
    In 2017, the Port of Cork signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with NextDecade, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) development company. The MOU allows the Port of Cork to negotiate with NextDecade on the development of a new Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) and associated LNG import terminal infrastructure in Cork harbour. We are asking the Port of Cork to rescind this undertaking in the MOU for the following reasons: 1. Climate Change To keep global temperature rise below 1.5C and to avoid catastrophic climate change, fossil or “natural” gas must be phased out of the energy mix in Europe by 2035 [i]. Claims that gas is a “transition fuel” have been discredited ͥ[ii] and recent studies show that gas sourced through hydraulic fracturing, like 69% of all gas now produced in the United States ͥ[iii] and imported to Europe as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), is 44% more damaging to the climate than coal [iv]. Research also states that we can’t develop any new fossil fuel infrastructure from 2019 onwards if we are to have a 64% chance of limiting temperature rise to less than 1.5C [v]. 2. Fracking In 2017, fracking was banned in the Republic of Ireland due to its devastating health and environmental impacts [vi]. If the Cork LNG infrastructure is developed it will facilitate the importation of fracked gas from the planned NextDecade export terminals in the Rio Grande Valley region in Texas. Allowing this infrastructure would be hypocritical of the Republic of Ireland as it would have severe impacts on indigenous and marginalised communities in Texas. 3. Renewables and Energy Security The Cork LNG infrastructure would also have a considerable negative impact on the developing Irish renewable energy industry [vii]. The government has stated that LNG projects are necessary for the purpose of energy security [viii]. However, recent research shows that the rapid development of indigenous renewables combined with energy storage technology is the best way to achieve this [ix].   [i] Anderson, K. and Broderick, J. (2017) Natural gas and climate change, Manchester: University of Manchester Available: https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/natural-gas-and-climate-change(c82adf1f-17fd-4842-abeb-f16c4ab83605).html [ii] Perez, A. (2018) Global Gas Lock-in: Bridge to Nowhere. Brussels:Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung [iii] US Energy Information Administration (2019) How much shale gas is produced in the United States? Available: https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=907&t=8 Accessed 06.11.2019 ͥ[iv] Howarth, R (2019) Opening Statement to the Joint Committee on Climate Action. Dublin: Oireachtas. Available: https://data.oireachtas.ie/ie/oireachtas/committee/dail/32/joint_committee_on_climate_action/submissions/2019/2019-10-10_opening-statement-robert-w-howarth-ph-d-cornell-university_en.pdf Accessed 06.11.2019 ͮ[v] Smith, C. J., Forster, P. M., Allen, M., Fuglestvedt, J., Millar, R. J., Rogelj, J., & Zickfeld, K. (2019). Current fossil fuel infrastructure does not yet commit us to 1.5 C warming. Nature communications, 10(1), 101. [vi] Concerned Health Professionals of New York (2019) Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking (Unconventional Gas and Oil Extraction) Available: https://concernedhealthny.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Fracking-Science-Compendium_6.pdf Accessed 06.11.2019 [vii] Shakeb Afsah & Kendyl Salcito (2014). Shale Gas: Killing Coal without Cutting CO2 Available: https://co2scorecard.org/home/researchitem/28 Accessed 06.11.2019 Accessed 06.11.2019 [viii] The Green News “State confirms support of Shannon LNG project” Available: https://greennews.ie/state-support-shannon-lng-pci/ Accessed 06.11.2019 [ix] McMullin, B., Price, P., Carton, J., & Anderson, K. (2018). Is Natural Gas “Essential for Ireland’s Future Energy Security”? Dublin:Stop Climate Chaos
    3,722 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Not Here Not Anywhere - NHNA Picture
  • BRING the UNCRPD TO IRELAND NOW! Legal Capacity = Right to be HUMAN
    The UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities), is a human rights instrument with a social development dimension. It reaffirms that all persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. You, me and our loved ones are very likely to acquire a disability at some point in our lives. To make decisions for yourself is WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN. No government or organisation should be able to remove these rights because we have not signed the UNCRPD, but this is occurring in Ireland today. This is hidden and happening each and EVERY DAY that we deny ourselves the rights under the UNCRPD. Please help remove the medieval Ward of Court System in this country now by making the government COMMENCE the long overdue UNCRPD. HELP COMMENCE THE UNCRPD
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Murphy
  • Stop new quarry in south Kildare
    Kilsaran have submitted an application Kildare County Council to start a new quarry in Racefield, Ballyshannon. This is a rural but buoyant neighbourhood that would be blighted if this application were to succeed. There are a lot of farmers in the local area that would be affected, as well as 3 national schools all within a few miles with 1 being only a mile away. It is this school that would be affected the most, as it is situated at the junction that the 70+ lorries per day would use and would be affected not only by the dust polution but elevated levels of exhaust fumes. We need your help in sending a signal to the council that this quarry is not wanted.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Iain Bright
  • Carers Against Government Exploitation & Denial
    *We recognise that many family carers will simply be unable to attend this protest. For those who can, we would urge you to join us. For those who cannot, please ensure your voice is heard by adding your name to this petition and asking your families and friends to do likewise in support of Ireland's family carers who are the backbone of our healthcare system. Budget 2020 is a damning indictment of Government’s attitude towards Ireland’s 355,000 family carers who save the state €10bn every year. Family Carers Ireland has been asked by family carers to take action to send a clear message to Government that their repeated failure to address the homecare crisis and improve supports and services amounts to exploitation. As a result, we are holding a demonstration outside Leinster House on Wednesday, October 16th from 11am - 12pm. A recent survey of family carers shows that: • Almost 2 in 3 are providing more than 100 hours of care per week • 1 in 4 providing 50+ hours of care per week do not get Carer’s Allowance or Carer’s Benefit • 1 in 3 have a diagnosis of depression • 4 in 10 have a diagnosis of anxiety • Over two thirds suffer with physical ill health and 2 in 3 feel that their health had suffered as a result of caring • Access to routine supports have reduced since 2009, despite more carers providing round the clock care in 2019 • 71% of carers’ loved ones have no access to respite • 72% worry about not having enough money in the future. The five urgent priorities outlined by Family Carers Ireland in our pre-budget submission were: 1. Reform the means test for Carer’s Allowance 2. Increase the hours a carer can work/study from 15 hours to 18.5 hours weekly. 3. End the postcode lottery in homecare and carer supports. 4. Replace the Mobility Allowance and Motorised Transport Grant withdrawn in 2013. 5. Extend the GP Visit Card to include carers in receipt of the Carer’s Support Grant. While Family Carers Ireland welcomes the increase in the hours a carer can work or study, the failure to increase the income disregard means that carers hoping to work additional hours may be negatively impacted by having their Carer's Allowance reduced. The means test requires urgent reform, with just one in five carers currently receiving Carer's Allowance. We also believe the announcement of one million additional homecare hours will not not be enough to clear the current waiting list or keep up with demand.
    2,740 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Family Carers Ireland Picture