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Support for autism awareness month in our schoolIt is incredibly important for our children to feel equal to their peers and that there is adequate education and support surrounding neurodiversity for the children and their families.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cathy O'Brien
End unfair treatment of Special Needs TeenagersI am calling on the Minister for Disabilities Anne Rabbitte TD to end the unfair treatment of special needs teenagers who are forced to transition from their much-needed Domiciliary Care Allowance to Disability Allowance whilst still in education. This is both unfair and discriminatory. I would value your help in raising this matter in the Dáil Éireann I am the father of two boys on the Autism spectrum, because of their lifelong medical conditions they qualify for Domiciliary Care Allowance, which is a monthly payment for a child aged under 16 with a severe disability. The child must need ongoing care and attention substantially over and above that usually needed by a child of the same age. It is not means tested. This is very useful to fund the myriad of expenses that result in providing them the best possible care and also seek private options for support removed by the state. My eldest boy is 14 and just started secondary school. I hope and pray he remains in education as long as possible but when he turns 16 under the current legislation in Ireland, he loses his Domiciliary Care Allowance and has to apply himself as an adult in his own right for Disability Allowance . Disability Allowance is a means-tested payment for people with disabilities who as a result of their disability are substantially restricted in undertaking work that would otherwise be suitable for a person of their age, experience and qualifications. As any parent of a child with special needs will tell you their condition does not magically disappear over night and the process of applying for any support is both time consuming and a traumatic experience. Many children with disabilities are denied Disability Allowance while still in education because they are deemed fit for work and available for work which they cannot undertake due to still being at school.! This denial of support results in an increase in child poverty and removes the ability of many to fund additional resources which the state is not providing. A worrying trend is also becoming clear, with many applications being denied Disability allowance at first in the hope the appeal process will put off them reapplying. This is a cynical money-making exercise Please can you show your support to highlight this unfair treatment of some of the weakest in our society. Thank you for your help and Support4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Joe McGinley
Allow access to the beaches of MeathPeople with limited mobility can no longer gain access to this pubic amenity since the closures of the beach to cars since the beginning of the pandemic. No footpath and terrible road conditions at all entrances of Gormonston.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Furlong
Equal rights, proper pay and national job discription for Health Care Assistants and carersAs I am both a health care assistant and help my partner with her parents who need full time care, she only gets €109 a week which is shambolic for all she does and saves the country like all other carers who look after their children, parents, and young adults with disabilities, they need more support as medication, treatment and other outgoings are very expensive and it is unrealistic to expect these people to live on such a small allowance.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brendan Gallagher
Children's hospital services need to resume ASAPSo that Children's referred appointments and elective surgeries do not turn into emergencies.147 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Marie Morel
Stop the closure of St. Mary's Home in Merrion35 blind and visually-impaired ladies have lived here some for over six decades. The proposal is to close the centre and transfer these people to other locations. They have been friends for years; they know the layout of their environment; now they are to be separated and sent to different places. It is difficult enough when you are blind to get to know a new place but when you are an elderly prson it is much more difficult.237 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Michael Lavin
No reduction to Covid19 €350 paymentThe Pandemic Universal Payment of €350 per week for all those who lost their income as a result of the Covid19 crisis was a welcome move by the caretaker government and an admission that the current social welfare rates and their previously proposed €203 payment were wholly inadequate. Currently the payment is set to run until 19 June. The payment needs to stay in place until the end of the current health emergency and until the full recovery of employment lost as a result of the pandemic. Any attempt to "taper off" the payment, as recently suggested by Minister Paschal Donohoe, may result in people being pushed back into a workplace before it is safe and financially punish them for a loss of income that was completely out of their control. The current payment does not cover all those who lost income as a result of the crisis. Many of those who work in the gig economy or in precarious employment were deemed ineligible because they were not working on or after 6 March. Both Over 66s and Under 18s who were working prior to the crisis were also deemed ineligible. The payment should be expanded to include these workers. The rate of €350 is an unofficial admission by the caretaker government that the current social welfare rates are wholly inadequate and rates for all social welfare payments including those on state pensions, disability and job seeker payments should now be increased to €350 per week. These measures should be taken as a first step towards creating a Universal Basic Minimum Payment to eradicate poverty in Irish society.3,275 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Richard Boyd Barrett
Mental health and wellbeing in schools for childrenIt is the most important thing in life it would reduce all of the issues across the bored if we are are going to fight for mental health we should start with the younger generations we need to give them tools to help others and help themselves it is fundamental to have something in our shcools at a young age8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Jane Kinsella
Save Citizen Information services in Killaloe BallinaIt’s with alarming concert that we the community of killaloe & Ballina hear that the local weekly citizens advice service had been suspended due to unforeseen circumstances. The community of killaloe & Ballina have a population of over 4,500 residents and the service had been in situ for well over 10 years providing free information advice support and Advocacy. We the community of Killaloe & Ballina value that weekly citizens information (CIC) service and wish to emphasise the importance of it, in supporting and addressing our complex queries. We have sign this petition to highlight the importance of keeping this service open in Killaloe to meet the needs of our community and to especially provide a face to face service to those that are marginalised and unable to get to Limerick or Nenagh Citizens information centers offices.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Orla Foley
Fund Muscular Dystrophy Ireland (MDI) in the Midwest regionI have Muscular Dystrophy myself and have had to fight so hard, as have thousands of others, for the most basic things, From an accessible shower to basic walking aids. In fact I had to buy my own walker, as I was told there was a huge waiting list. This piece of equipment is vital for me to get around safely and now one of the wheels is not working on it. I and others want to have access to paid part-time work locally. Many among us are Hons Degree recent graduates.That is Level 8 and don't need other courses. It is very hard anyway to get into Level 9 courses locally full-time especially teaching as we find it next to impossible to find access to teaching practice in wide enough classrooms. Sadly that was my experience anyway in certain educational sectors.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Áinéad NiMurchú
Stop unsustainable insurance price increases for charitable organizationsA charity which I am a member has had a recent 20% increase imposed on it. This money would be far better spent in looking after the welfare of our members12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Lavin
Vera TwoomeyShe is leading the way to focus attention on the ineptitude of government health ministers!!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Walby