• Stop Eviction of Mohammad, Roobeena and Family
    Mohammad, Roobeena and their family have been renting their current house for 6 years, and have lived in the wider North Dublin area for 12. Their children are 3, 4, and 7 years old and have grown up in the local area. Mohammad cannot work anymore following a road traffic accident in 2018. In June 2021, the family received an eviction notice from their new landlord and their estate agents wanting to sell the house. Due to the difficulty of finding housing at the moment, and in particular for families and disabled people, Mohammad joined CATU looking for support. Through the backing of neighbours and CATU supporters, Mohammad and Roobeena are asking for another 6 months from the letting agent and landlord in their current accommodation to allow them to find a long-term alternative. Please sign this petition to demand the same and stop a family being pushed into homelessness this winter. #NoWinterEvictions
    497 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Luke Smyth
  • Rathdown Needs A Women's Refuge Now
    We are failing the women and children in the community. Currently we have a population of 218,018 and no domestic violence refuge. The shortage of emergency accommodation for people affected by domestic violence is an issue that is getting progressively worse. Domestic violence spikes significantly during the festive season which is exacerbated by the pressures brought about by Covid-19 and the housing crisis. The provision for domestic violence in our area is comprehensively under developed. There are 144 refuge spaces available nationwide yet Dublin alone needs 143 refuge spaces, and Ireland needs almost 500. There are only 31 spaces, in 4 refuges, to service the entire Dublin area. 68% of the calls Women's Aid made to refuges are being turned away due to there being no room left. The nearest refuge for Rathdown is in Bray, this means that many people may have to travel for over an hour on public transport to be turned away. This huge lack of essential support services results in: • Unmet requests for refuge everyday; • Accommodation problems and homelessness; • People trapped in abusive relationships; • Increasing likelihood of people returning to violent and abusive homes; • Fear of reporting the abuse due to the lack of emergency accommodation available; The government is failing women and children. The most vulnerable people in our society are being failed on every level and government inaction continues to silence them. This is a national issue - there are currently 9 counties without a refuge. Please sign this petition, and please support the work of Carlow Women's Refuge Campaign too: https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/carlow-needs-a-women-s-refuge
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rohana Perera
  • Stop the HSE from shutting down the Soup Runs for Homeless
    The Homeless and Needy of our country are abandoned by the state. It is up to us, the general public, to look after their welfare, with food, clothing, sleeping bags, tents and very often just to lend an ear. We can not simply be ignored, just as our service users can't be abandoned either.
    2,492 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Murphy
  • Stop The Shop
    Residents in the Callenders Mill estate and surrounding estates do not want a shop built on the green area in front of their houses. This green is filled with children playing every day. Residents want to keep this green space as there is already a lack of green spaces for children in Celbridge. Callenders Mill is clearly a residential area. The proposed shop will be open from 7am to 10pm, which will cause serious disturbance and noise pollution for residents. There is already insufficient parking for residents in the estate. There are already a significant number of other shop in the vicinity. There are also vacant shop units within walking distance of the proposed site. We do not need or want a shop in Callenders Mill, Celbridge!
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joanne McGarry
  • Ban combustible building materials in Northern Ireland
    72 precious lives were lost in the fire at Grenfell Tower in London in 2017. Combustible materials contributed to the fire that night. But Kingspan, the Irish company who manufactured some of the Grenfell cladding, is trying to prevent the same dangerous materials being banned in Northern Ireland, like it has been in England and Wales. Public safety must come before big business
    635 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • 100% Redress for Defective Blocks
    Thousands of houses throughout Ireland, particularly in the Northwest, are falling apart because they were built with DEFECTIVE Blocks. The blocks are contaminated by compounds called PYRITE and/or MICA. People’s homes and lives are being totally destroyed - lives are being shattered - children’s futures devastated. Our houses are now worthless and are unsafe to live in. Imagine if you discovered today that your home was worthless, unsaleable, cracking and crumbling, and would ultimately collapse. How would you feel? This is what is happening to us, through absolutely no fault of our own. Our houses were built with blocks governed by the Standards set by the Irish Government. The Irish Government allowed the quarries that made the blocks to self-regulate. Both the Irish Government, and the quarries have FAILED innocent homeowners. In 2007 when pyrite contaminated houses on the EAST coast of Ireland the Irish Government introduced a redress scheme. This scheme covered 100% of costs for homeowners allowing them to rectify their homes. The Irish Government is REFUSING to grant citizens on the WEST coast of Ireland the same 100% redress scheme. They are offering a PARTIAL redress scheme which has so many exclusions, conditions and hidden costs that it is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE. €7,000 is needed for testing before accessing the scheme. This make it financially inaccessible for majority of homeowners affected. We NEED a 100% redress scheme to deal with this life-destroying problem. We are your fellow citizens and we ask you to STAND WITH US in our fight for JUSTICE. Please, please sign this petition to support our cause. Help us get our homes back.
    4,029 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamie-Lee Donnelly
  • Housing Should Be A Human Right In Ireland
    Our government opts to ensure that the basic human right to housing does not become a fundamental right in our constitution. Given that one in three TD's in Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are landlords they will just deliver further homelessness, evictions, housing lists, spiralling rents and house prices. Government has outsourced housing to private developers, who are only after high prices and profits. We need to invest in building high quality ‘green’ public housing on public land to solve the crisis. Soaring rents and lack of security leave tenants exposed to eviction and homelessness. It could happen to anyone. We have some of the highest rents in the EU but have less protection. While vulture fund investors are left unchallenged and get huge tax breaks. Our housing crisis continues to get worse with 50 people having died in homelessness so far this year. If we look at Finland's "Housing First" strategy, we can see that the level of homelessness has fallen sharply and an alternative is possible. The People Before Profit Right to Housing Bill to help combat this has been resubmitted and will be voted on soon. The Bill was defeated in the last Dáil in 2017 but Richard Boyd Barrett TD resubmitted it to the Bills Lottery last autumn and is hopeful that, considering the Programme for Government gives a commitment to a referendum on housing, that this bill will garner more support this time. Please contact your local TD's and request that they support this bill. Be very aware of who voted for and who voted against. Those that vote it down clearly don't care about everyday people. You can find more information on the link below
    431 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Flóra Conroy Picture
  • Full redress for Mica crumbling homes
    People's homes are crumbling down around them, through no fault of their own. but because they where supplied with mica affected blocks. The suppliers have washed their hands of any responsibility. Many of the homes will have to be completely demolished and rebuilt. The government have set up a 90/10 scheme, but most of the family's cant afford to pay the 10% on top of their mortgages All they want is to be treated equally, as the pyrite scheme was a 100% redress for affected homes.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dermot hegarty
  • Referendum on Housing
    A Referendum is essential:- 1. To deliver affordable homes for citizens by outlawing the artificial 37% added costs to build homes in Ireland. VAT alone is €23,000 for a 3 bed semi. 2. To stop Rack Rents preventing young people from saving for their own homes and preventing lower income groups from access to 3rd level education due to the exorbitant cost of student accommodation. 3. To prevent Evictions unless decided by the Courts. ... and ... to remove the Central Bank biased and unfair constraints on Irish citizens which are not applicable to foreign vulture funds or local councils competing for homes. - to stop Vulture funds competing with first time buyers. - to stop Local Authorities competing with first time buyers. - to stop recurring Housing crises. "The 2008 CRASH could not have happened if this Referendum had been passed when called for in 1974. It was again recommended in 2014 by the Constitutional Convention." - to reduce the cost of build - artificially inflated by 37%. - to reduce the funding requirements for small and SME builders to build houses - increasing competition. - to increase competition in the housing supply. - to deliver proportionate amount of social homes.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by R Neuville
  • Stop Investors Buying Our Homes
    Housing should be seen as a home not an investment asset. If we don't stop this inequality will worsen dramatically – between those on extremely high incomes who can get a deposit off the bank of mum and dad to buy a home, and the majority stuck in the private rental market transferring their income into wealth for investors, or living in overcrowded housing, resulting in delayed adulthood and independence as they’re unable to leave their parents’ home. https://www.thejournal.ie/readme/ireland-investment-housing-5428746-May2021/?utm_source=shortlink
    39,799 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Rory Hearne
  • Safe and Secure Housing for Amy and Daniel
    Since moving into this room, we have been harassed, threatened, and have had the neighbouring room broken into. 4 weeks into our tenancy, we received a letter from the rightful owner of the property, informing us that we would need to vacate the premises. We were given a few days notice to quit the premises, leaving us face to face with the threat of homelessness. I am currently 5 months pregnant and it is urgent that I find safe and secure accommodation. The money that we ask is returned will allow us to pay for a deposit. When we first moved in to this room, we requested a tenancy agreement. On the 10th of March, pictures of both our passports were requested and we were told us that a tenancy agreement would be drawn up and sent to us, which we never received. We are now at a serious risk of homelessness, which we were not at risk of in our previous accommodation. The demands listed above are completely reasonable given the stress and hardship our landlord has put on us in recent weeks. We ask you to sign this petition to show your support of our demands and urge our landlord to meet them.
    343 of 400 Signatures
    Created by CATU Inchicore-Kilmainham
  • Honesty for landlords
    People get robbed by landlords everyday. "We need to clean this, we need to replace that" and they do none of it before the next person moves in and pays another deposit. You are paying for these services so they should have to prove that they actually spent the money doing them things and its not going into their pocket.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ross Lawless