• Stop a Generation Emigrating Again
    In the last 100 years, Ireland has made great progress and made some mistakes. Meanwhile, in the last 100 years, three generations have not all been able to live here with their needs being met. Mass emigration is a trend in the country that tears families and communities apart. People look for a better future elsewhere because they can't see a good future here. Doctors and nurses emigrating because they don't feel valued. Their pay doesn't allow them to buy a house or save. Teachers are not able to afford rent and health insurance simultaneously. Couples living separately with their parents because they can't afford a house, can't afford a home to rent together, or buy a home together. People in their 20s and 30s think they need to emigrate to progress in these stages of life development. Having children and a home in Ireland is seemingly getting more and more difficult. A best who emigrates effects relationship ties and general happiness. Brothers who emigrate and subsequently put pressure on other siblings to take care of aging parents. These are two more examples of how this affects our communities and social health of the collective of people in Ireland. Generations have left Ireland before in hopes of a better life, higher paying jobs and opportunities that can't be found here in Ireland. Unfortunately, this is the reality for a high number of people in their 20s and 30s. How can they afford a house as an artist, or a teacher in Ireland? Our doctors and nurses being prepped and advised not to stay in Ireland, making the people of Ireland doubt the security of the needed care of our loved ones. Without the possibility of being able to confidently progress through life stages as individuals, our health and wellbeing will suffer. When our people emigrate, family structures and communities weaken. These effects ripple through our country, negatively effecting our physical, social, emotional and mental health. Add your name to my petition if you agree.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jillian Gavin
  • Renovate All Vacant Council Homes Now
    Every empty house is a family made homeless. While hundreds of people have died on the streets, the government left €700 million of the housing budget unspent. There is an all-time high of 11,397 people in emergency accommodation, 3,480 are children. Vacant council homes have been left to rot. There are nearly 4,500 empty council homes across the country. We demand that all city and county councils renovate these homes and house those in need immediately.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by National Homeless And Housing Coalition Cork
  • Hands off Lower Inchicore sports pitches
    Children between 0-18 years of age have a legally protected ‘right to play’. By changing the zoning from community/playground to housing - on November 1st 2022, the full council violated the public sector duty and breached children’s right to play, beside Inchicore sports centre. The zoning vote on November 1st 2022 was the culmination of the downgrading of the pitches by Dublin City Council. The pitches were declared 'unsafe' by an inspector from Dublin City Council and then they were locked, and new security company signs erected. New sirens had been installed and went off warning children to leave the pitch when they played there. The children had to cut a hole in the fence and break into the pitch to be able to play there. The children and their parents ignore these sirens and messages from the loud speaker. The council are actively driving people away from using the pitch. Decalaring the pitch a 'health hazard' is unacceptable and currently children have to trespass to access the basket ball/football playing pitches. Local people deserve better and will not stand for removal of sports facilities.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Tackle the #CostofCollege!
    Students are in the red. - 88% of students report worrying about their money and finances during the academic year. - There is an expected shortage of 20,000 student beds by 2024. -The €1,000 reduction in the Student Contribution Charge is a once off reduction. - PhD students are still fighting for a stipend that covers the cost of living. We, the students, need to take a stand for affordable, accessible education. Students can’t afford to stay quiet, so we’re walking out. At 11.11am On October 13th 2022, thousands of students walked out of lectures, to remind politicians that students aren’t an endless money pit. Our demands for students are as follows - Accommodation Demands: Protect Renters - Legislation to protect students in digs-style accommodation - Continuing the eviction ban for students - Legislative change to allow the RTB to intervene in disputes relating to security deposits Reduce Rents - Legislation to enact an immediate rental cap - Establishing freezes on utility bills separate from rents - Allowing the RTB to intervene in relation to security deposits Subsidisation of affordable PBSA from public funds - Building on public lands new and refurbished PBSA - Specifically ensuring approved PBSA is affordable in conditions - Re-establishing the interdepartmental group on student accommodation Cost of College Demands: Abolishment of the Student Contribution Charge - Abolition of the fee within the Lifetime of this Government - Transparency on how non-EU and postgraduate fees are set - Removing hidden course costs in materials and subsidies Funding for the HE Sector (inclusive of SUSI reform and funding) - Funding to increase SUSI grant levels to match the cost of living - Increasing SUSI rates for all brackets to a living subsidy - Increased funding to the sector to reduce the staff student ratio to the European average of 15:1 Minimum wage to match living wage - The normalisation of wages for workers under 20 years old - A PhD stipend of €28,000 following the PhD review - A living wage based on the cost of living, not the median income
    1,970 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Picture
  • Not Our Fault - 100% redress for apartment/duplex defects
    We simply cannot afford to pay for this work, particularly at this time of soaring prices. The government has received a report from the Working Group to Examine Defects in Housing which outlines the scale of the problem. It contains different options for the government to decide how to deal with this issue. One of those options is a 100% redress scheme. This is the only just and workable option. We are calling on the government to agree to implement a 100% redress scheme and to then pursue the builders responsible for this crisis.
    1,776 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jill Kellegher
  • #Gaffs4All
    The government called its latest plan Housing for All but as with previous housing plans, it hasn’t delivered. Rents and house prices continue to rise exponentially, social and affordable housing delivery is behind targets, homelessness has also increased. The housing crisis is scarring a generation. For renters, it is beyond a cost of living crisis – it is a cost of survival crisis. We need a new vision and a new housing plan. We need Gaffs for All: delivering affordable, decent, green, forever homes. The housing crisis can be solved with the right policies and real action and funding in housing. We need a new housing plan and real solutions that will actually work to deliver affordable green homes for all – not half-baked solutions that will leave us with a permanent crisis and merely benefit the property industry and investor funds as the current housing plan does. Please sign this petition calling on the Government to implement the following ten key policies. After you have signed, share it on social media, with #gaffs4all and #right2housing Lets solve this housing crisis together!
    1,610 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rory Hearne
  • Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: kildare county council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eamon Broughan
  • Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: Galway City Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    42 of 100 Signatures
  • Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: Cork City Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    88 of 100 Signatures
  • Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: Wicklow County Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    38 of 100 Signatures
  • Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: Wexford County Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    50 of 100 Signatures
  • Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: Westmeath County Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    32 of 100 Signatures