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Save local amenities and residences at the Markievich poolThe city centre is becoming one big office block....local people are being moved out of their homes and losing local amenities that have existed for decades.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Breda Trimble
save hospital in belmulletof course a hospital is important. Just go back 20 years ago and tell me how was Irish people living how them kids goes to school ? surviving ..... please they are humans. I think is the one hospital over there closer.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by fatma zohra Arezki
Legalize canabis oil with thc for medical reasons in IrelandIt will save lives it will ease pain people are being cured from seizures cancer it’s helping people with neurological illness like Parkinson’s if it legal it will save lives keep families together13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Orla Murnane
Reinstate primary mental health services in Donaghmede Edenmore Raheny and KilbarrackThe demand mental health services is ever increasing, while this government continues to reduce the service. We must demand that all mental health services be fully staffed and resourced so they can to begin to reduce waiting lists while meeting future demand.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Niamh McDonald
A call for mental health support for women who have had an abortionThere is no current policy in place which highlights the need for women to access mental health services following an abortion, and so, with the signatures on this petition, we can make a change and support our women further.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Megan O' Donnell
Reduce The Cost Of Children’s HospitalIt’s time the Irish people's voice is heard so we are asking you to sign this petition requesting Simon Harris to go back to the drawing board and negotiate a better deal, change design, or look for new contractors, whatever it takes to stop such a despicable waste of hard working tax payers money. This is gross mismanagement, and incompetence of government to deliver a service within a reasonable budget. Other desperately needed health facilities across the country will not go a head or will be dramatically delayed for up to 10 years. That means in your local area you will not have adequate facilities such as MRI scanning and adequate orthopaedic facilities to name just a few. Please share your voice.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lorraine Carolan
Smear test resultsHealth reasons3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Concerned Parent
Keelings stop plastic useTo protect our oceans , our water sources and human life9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Mc gee
Switch Clondalkins water supply back to Ballymore EustaceThe people of Clondalkin are spending extra money a week to buy bottled water to avoid the scum like oil that is floating on top of a glass of water or a cup of tea. They are also noticing staining in their cups from the tea and for health reasons are not using this water for baby bottles.1,044 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Clondalkin Neighbourhood Watch
Clean up the site of the derelict houses at Palmer Avenue, RushThese houses are in shameful condition and this is now Health and Safety concern to the whole community. The derelict houses are being are attracting anti social behaviour and locals are afraid to let their children play in the Park. It is just a matter of time that something more serious or life-threatening will happen. Not to mention that these are about 200 meters from a local Primary School thus school children walking through the Park to and from school are in danger of being mistreated. It is high time this issue to be taken seriously.388 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Kata Wallner
Fund Muscular Dystrophy Ireland (MDI) in the Midwest regionI have Muscular Dystrophy myself and have had to fight so hard, as have thousands of others, for the most basic things, From an accessible shower to basic walking aids. In fact I had to buy my own walker, as I was told there was a huge waiting list. This piece of equipment is vital for me to get around safely and now one of the wheels is not working on it. I and others want to have access to paid part-time work locally. Many among us are Hons Degree recent graduates.That is Level 8 and don't need other courses. It is very hard anyway to get into Level 9 courses locally full-time especially teaching as we find it next to impossible to find access to teaching practice in wide enough classrooms. Sadly that was my experience anyway in certain educational sectors.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Áinéad NiMurchú
Cancer Patients - Freedom of ChoiceCancer patients are human beings and have rights to make educated choices and choose what is right for them. No cancer patient will tell you that these practitioners cured their cancer nor did any practitioner claim such a thing. What they will tell you is that these amazing practitioners help eradicate the toxic side effects brought on by chemotherapy. It aids sleep, it reduces fatigue, it strengthens the immune system and provides them with a better quality of life. Kate O’Connell and David Grimes in their personal judgement wants to take this away from us. Some cancer patients have not been offered the option of chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. Alternative treatments can be our only life line.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Edge