• Elimination of puppy farms in ireland
    This is an animal welfare issue. It is cruel, inhumane&needs to be addressed now.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Costello
  • Stop Family Courts Making Abuse of Women & Children Worse
    Unregulated private consultants or 'experts' are routinely used in the Family Law Courts to determine if children should be forced to be 'reconciled' with a parent (usually a father) without any consideration of the children's wishes or reports of evidence of abuse and violence in the home.  Because of the 'in camera' rule there is no exposure of this widespread practice, no data, no oversight or accountability and if women and children speak about what is happening they can be criminalised for breaking the 'in camera' rule.  Very recently a woman's young children were taken without warning from their school in the company of Gardai. They were removed from the care of their mother and the only home they have ever known and forced to live in their father’s house. They are not allowed to see or speak to their mother.  The children have told their teachers, doctor and the social workers what they want and why but the court won’t listen and says they can’t have a voice - on the recommendation of a so called unregulated 'family expert witness'. The 2015 Child and Family Relationship Act says that all children have a right to be heard in matters concerning their lives and should be involved in decisions made about them. The children’s father has continued to exert power and control through post-separation abuse. The greatest way to hurt her is by taking the children away from her, aided by unregulated experts in the family law courts who are silencing victims of domestic violence and their children. We hear from many mothers who are victims of domestic and sexual violence, that in the family courts, when it comes to guardianship, custody and access hearings, domestic abuse survivors are not being heard or prioritised. Many of the reports are very similar to the story outlined above.  The reasons offered for these forced separation/reconciliation decisions by 'family court experts' are unreliable. Their arguments draw on concepts that are unscientific and discredited ie. parental alienation.  To stop this 'in plain sight' abuse of children and women who are survivors of violence - scrutiny of the decisions being made in Family Law Courts is urgently needed. Unregulated experts have to be investigated and their decisions published and reviewed. Mandatory training and education, accreditation and accountability for all professionals is desperately needed for all professionals working in the Family Courts. There must be independent monitoring and oversight.  Children should have the right to live free from fear. Our children should never be subjected to forced removal from their home and family and silenced by so called unregulated 'experts'. Children’s views, voice and wishes, their feelings and human rights should be paramount in all decisions by the court regarding contact arrangements.
    1,535 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by SISI Picture
  • No to Garda Use of Facial Recognition Technology
    Facial Recognition Technology and others forms of biometrics surveillance are needlessly intrusive and invasive. Law enforcement use this technology to track and identify people wherever they go, be it online or in public spaces. It can quieten protest, or be used to harrass and target minority communities. This is an overreach of Garda power, and it's not clear why the Gardaí should require the use of such invasive practices. An Garda Siochána have already shown they cannot be trusted to maintain good data protection standards, why would we trust them with our faces? [1] https://www.iccl.ie/digital-data/garda-use-of-facial-recognition-technology-poses-extreme-risk-to-human-rights/
    2,368 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sosinsky
  • Preserve & Protect Bessboro
    It’s very important to ensure that such crimes on humanity & sites deemed to be crime scenes is properly investigated and while such is dragged out by the Irish government, the least we can do is protect & preserve the whole of the land respectfully until it’s investigated in the manner it legally should be.
    286 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Laura Collins
  • Reduce the Russian Embassy headcount now
    "11 million Ukrainians wander, they have had to abandon their homes, take their children under their arms and flee? How else can one treat the mass rapes, the mass murders, the bombing of maternity hospitals"... In view of the unprovoked aggression by the Russian government in attacking Ukraine and killing thousands of its citizens call on the Irish government to reduce the number of Russians based in the Russian Embassy in Dublin without delay. 29/03/2022 - Today the Irish government asked 4 Russian diplomats to leave Ireland. Of the 31 Russian diplomats based in its Orwell Road embassy 27 remain. Ireland has 5 diplomats in Moscow. Today the Netherlands and Belgium announced they were expelling 17 and 21 Russian diplomats respectively for engaging in espionage. The Irish government need to expel more Russian diplomats or justify why they are not. Add your name to this petition to encourage the government to take this action.  Also please ask your friends to sign the petition. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/four-senior-russian-diplomats-expelled-from-state-following-security-advice-1.4839308?mode=sample&auth-failed=1&pw-origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishtimes.com%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2Ffour-senior-russian-diplomats-expelled-from-state-following-security-advice-1.4839308 https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/garda-expands-security-operation-around-russian-embassy-in-dublin-1.4829674
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shay Fennelly
  • Sean Walsh Park - make it a safe space
    The park is a community facility which everyone should feel safe in, however, due to a lack of facilities and resources the park has become unused by the vast majority of people in the evening. Over the last few months there have been a number of assaults and muggings in the park. The whole community should feel safe using the park. The park requires investment in order to improve the facilities and to allow everyone in the community to use it in the evening time. We want South Dublin County Council to improve the facilities in the park by investing in: - Proper lighting to increase community activity - More facilities and organised events such as exercise, yoga or running programmes - More facilities such as park benches and exercise equipment - More park rangers to ensure the park is used in a positive way
    535 of 600 Signatures
    Created by David Murphy
    82% of the Irish people support neutrality in all its aspects.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Margaretta Darcy
  • Hold Gardai Accountable For Ignoring Domestic Violence Victims
    Making that call is often the first step on a victims journey to safety. It can take to 35 assaults before a victim reaches out for help. Ignoring calls leaving women and children to fend for themselves is unacceptable.
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mary-Louise Lynch Picture
  • Legislation for stalking in Ireland NOW!
    On the rare occasion that stalking is prosecuted in Ireland, it is prosecuted under harassment laws. The terms ‘stalking’ and ‘harassment’ are sometimes used interchangeably, but they can be significantly different. Harassment is unwanted behaviour from someone else that makes you feel distressed, humiliated or threatened. Stalking, however, is more intense, sinister and distressing. Stalking is a pattern of fixated, obsessive behaviour which is repeated, persistent and intrusive. It causes fear of violence or engenders alarm and distress in the victim. Victims of stalking are often at risk of violence from their stalker. The Law Reform Commission has recommended that stalking be defined as a separate crime to harassment. In the UK, when stalking was made a crime there was an increase in prosecutions - meaning it was necessary and overdue. We urgently need the Minister for Justice to act and legislate to make stalking a crime in Ireland. This petition was set up by Stalking Ireland, a campaign started by Eve McDowell and Una Ring. Eve and Una are using their experiences of stalking to change the law and better support victims of stalking in Ireland. This petition is supported by Sexual Violence Centre Cork.
    14,006 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Stalking Ireland Picture
  • Support Structures For Victims of Abuse
    Amy Barrett`s father, Jerry O'Keeffe, was jailed for 10 years in November 2017. Jerry O Keeffe was charged with three charges of rape, five charges of indecent assault and one charge of sexual assault of his daughters on dates between January 1980 and March 1987. The trial brought the horrors of the sexual abuse rushing back to Amy and with no professional services to help her deal with the aftershocks Amy found herself in a very dark place. During the court case, the gardaí, her solicitors and the court service supported her and guided her through until her father, Jerry O’Keefe, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2017. But once the trial ended, all State support vanished. Amy is seeking your support, calling on Government to fund better support mechanisms for victims of crime. Many believe victims automatically receive care plans and psychological support post-trial. Amazingly this is not the case. The state provides more support structures for the perpetrators of abuse than to the victims of abuse. As prisoners in Irish jails perpetrators of crime have care plans and psychological support. Although this is welcome and hopefully prevents those abusers from re offending what do the abuse victims receive... nothing....where is the support for victims? Due to current COVID 19 restrictions rape and murder cases are being delayed by as much as two years due to Covid-19. Many believe these delays could be devastating to victims and may result in many victims withdrawing their statements. Ireland has a long horrendous record of abuse, sexual abuse, child abuse yet nothing has changed for the victims. Please help Amy secure what should be a fundamental right of victims
    506 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Amy Barrett
  • Don't allow Texaco to Use Our Children
    Courts in Ecuador found that Chevron-Texaco had deliberately dumped 16 billion gallons of cancer-causing toxic oil waste into the rainforest, causing a cancer epidemic that has killed thousands and has decimated five indigenous nations who are teetering on the brink of extinction. They inflicted death and devastation on communities of people and wildlife that no fair-minded Irish person would ever tolerate. “The oil companies came to these pristine forests, backed by our own government. They took what they wanted and wiped-out cultures, completely disregarded the Indigenous people, killed animals and ruined sacred places. In the end, the people couldn’t do anything about it because they couldn’t speak the language of the people destroying their lives! The same destruction is still going on to this day.” Nina Gualinga, Indigenous campaigner for Ecuador Amazon Watch. Nina Gualinga, an indigenous environmental and human rights warrior from Ecuador. https://amazonwatch.org/news/2016/0715-toxic-tour Then, they fled Ecuador after a court had ordered them to pay $US9.5 billion in compensation to local communities. Ever since, they have threatened the communities they violated with a ‘lifetime of litigation’ unless they dropped the case. They have attacked their victims with retaliatory lawsuits. In the face of their inexcusable and catastrophic impact on the planet, fossil fuel companies like Chevron-Texaco are desperate for a ‘social-licence’ to operate. In parallel with their human-rights abuses in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Texaco were cynically running a ‘Children’s Art Competition’ here in Ireland while at the same time they were destroying children’s lives in the Amazon. The legacy of that destruction continues to this day. There can be no place for fossil fuel companies like Texaco in Children’s Art or Sports in Ireland. Join the growing number of major arts institutions and museums around the world who have severed their ties with major oil companies like Texaco.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Just Forests
  • Criminal Investigation & Prosecution into Crimes committed in Mother & Baby Homes
    The long-awaited publication of the report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother & Baby Homes has caused great distress to adoptees and survivors of Mother & Baby Homes, for its failure to seek justice for adoptees and for birth mothers. To date, no criminal investigation has be instigated against individuals, from religious orders, who committed these crimes against these mothers and their children, at these homes. We demand criminal investigations and prosecutions against these individuals and justice for these mothers and their children....
    1,428 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth O'Mahony