• RTÉ: Report accurately and ethically on genocide
    Although Israel has tried to suppress and discredit information leaving Gaza, including by murdering over 100 journalists, thanks to the courage and determination of those men and women we can see the scale of brutality and destruction being wrought in Gaza through social media. It is the duty of RTÉ as Ireland's national broadcaster to tell the truth about what is happening in Gaza. By suppressing information, by playing into Israeli narratives and ignoring credible reports of war crimes, RTÉ becomes complicit in the crimes being committed against the Palestinian people. The Irish people have a right to know about those crimes, not least because they are being funded and supported by countries with which we enjoy the closest of cultural and economic relations.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Roche
  • Teachers Around the World Demand an Immediate Ceasefire
    We are teachers; we teach children. We teach them about society and how they will grow up to be full participants in society. We teach them about empathy and solidarity; and we teach them, when they see obvious injustice, that they should act. We are horrified to be witnessing a deliberate, catastrophic humanitarian tragedy being inflicted on Gaza. We say this because we do not believe that the killing of children can be justified as "collateral damage," in the pursuit of a murderous, illusory, self-defeating and futile goal. Nor do we accept assurances that efforts are being made to avoid the deaths of children. Since October the 7th, over 13,000 children have died violently in Gaza; 4551 of them were school students. An additional 8,193 children have suffered injuries. We teach children every day, we know that these are not just numbers. Each of these children is as precious as your own child. These are innocent lives, cut short in the most barbaric manner. To date, 231 of our teaching colleagues in Gaza have been murdered, and 762 injured in brutal attacks by the Israeli army, which has been given billions of dollars by the United States to destroy Gaza. Schools - the bastions of hope and enlightenment - are being mercilessly and illegally targeted. A staggering 281 schools have been bombed or damaged; 83 are severely damaged; one-third are inoperable; and seven are utterly destroyed. To compound this tragedy, 133 schools are now makeshift shelters for displaced civilians, clinging to the vain hope that schools will not be targeted. We cannot turn a blind eye to the unambiguous war crimes that are being committed; to the genocidal assertions made by members of the Israeli cabinet; nor to the on-going ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, to facilitiate colonisation of their land. If you also believe that the mass slaughter of children, the assassination of teachers and the destruction of the educational system of Gaza is unacceptable, then we ask you to join us in saying stop. Just stop. Simply stop. We, the undersigned teachers from every corner of the globe, urgently demand you use your influence and resources to champion an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and in the West Bank. The time for diplomatic solutions and decisive action is now. We demand an immediate permanent ceasefire and the effective application of international law. Your contribution doesn't mean you are pro one group or against another. Your petition means you are pro humanity
    3,042 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Teachers for Palestine
  • Support the Dáil Motion to Sanction Israel
    We need your support to ensure a majority of TDs in Dáil Éireann back our motion calling for the Government to: - Intensify its advocacy for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages. - Provide strong leadership at EU level to advocate for economic sanctions on Israel, including: - Suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement on the basis of a serious breach of the essential elements human rights clause in that agreement. - Suspension of the EU-Israel Horizon Europe Association Agreement and Israel’s access to the €95 billion Horizon Europe fund for research and innovation. - Make a referral to the International Criminal Court requesting that it investigate whether members of the Israeli government and military have committed war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in Gaza. - Enact the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018 and the Illegal Israeli Settlements Divestment Bill 2023 as a matter of urgency. - Withdraw the diplomatic status of the Israeli Ambassador given the failure of the Israeli State to cease the deliberate targeting of civilians, journalists, UN staff and healthcare workers. - Pursue all possible avenues at the EU and the UN to build an international alliance for peace to provide a pathway away from violence and back to the negotiation table.
    1,605 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Ceasefire for Gaza: Stop the killing
    It's clear that the UN Security Council is deadlocked by US vetoes and, as a result, is unable to bring about peace in Gaza. The recent UN General Assembly verdict, calling for a humanitarian truce, has been clearly ignored by the Israeli government as bombings, mass starvation and ground invasions continue to be carried out. The United States' veto is blocking the UN Security Council from taking action. The death toll in Gaza is continuing to rise and until the bombings stop and water, healthcare and other vital services are restored then thousands more are doomed to die from the violence, dehydration, starvation and outbreaks of deadly disease. Ireland must support an immediate ceasefire at the UN Emergency General Assembly under the Uniting for Peace Resolution. The outcome of this may be backed by the use of U.N. armed peacekeepers when necessary, as a last resort, in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression. It's clear that rhetoric alone has not been enough to stop Netanyahu's government from continuing to carry out a genocide in Gaza. The enforceable nature of a U4P is required to ensure an immediate ceasefire and an end to the unimaginable devastation that is happening every day in Gaza.
    10,033 of 15,000 Signatures
  • Ban spies from leaking data of Irish Pakistani community & promoting human rights violations
    The Pakistani community in Ireland are 1000s in number. They have been a part of society for many years and contribute widely to Irish society. They also have a deep rooted connection with their families overseas. Currently, Pakistanis are facing some of the worst human rights violations and political victimisation. Pakistanis around the world are exercising their right to freedom of speech to speak out against such human rights violations. Unfortunately, these Pakistanis who are using their right to freedom of expression against human rights violations back home, have been receiving threats and harassment openly from undercover agents living in Ireland. These agents have openly claimed on social media they have spied on them and leaked their data to foreign agencies which has resulted in raids/serious harassment of their families (women and children) overseas. We have already received complaints from healthcare workers whose families have been harassed and threatened back home. We strongly condemn such unlawful activities by these agents in Ireland and urge immediate action from Irish human rights and law enforcement agents against them. These agents also claim they are working in collaboration with the Pakistani Embassy in Ireland to breach personal data (GDPR) and to promote personal/political victimisation. We strongly urge the Pakistani Ambassador to Ireland to take notice of this and pass an official statement on this. Please sign and share to report such criminal activities in Ireland and to hold these agents accountable for their actions P.S. We have evidence of these agents that we can provide to the relevant authorities
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr Liqa ur Rehman
  • Equal Protection for All at IPO Dublin
    An equal society is a better society for everyone.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aisling Hudson
  • Stand With Gary Lineker
    Being punished for expressing basic human kindness and concern for others is wrong.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Rename Berkeley Library to Wilde Library
    We believe that the college ought to remove George Berkeley's name from the library as he was a supporter of both slavery and settler colonialism; and that Oscar Wilde ought to be given a more prominent role in the college due to his contributions to Trinity life, literature, and the history of LGBTQIA+ people. Berkeley was a slave owner, and he used the funds from his plantations to make profit for himself and organisations like Yale University. He wrote about his beliefs that slavery was an efficient way to Christianize Black people and that Indigenous Americans should be transported by force to missionary colleges in Bermuda. Oscar Wilde participated in many Trinity institutions like the Phil and the Foundation Scholarship while also contributing to the legacy of Dublin's relationship with Gothic literature and socially conscious theatre. He also advocated for social causes such as prison reform, gender equality, and, most famously, sexual freedom. Since Wilde deserves more formal recognition in the college (as it recognizes Beckett, Synge, and Swift) and Berkeley's name should not be given the respect it currently receives, changing the name of the library to the Wilde Library would significantly improve our campus and demonstrate Trinity's efforts towards making the college truly inclusive.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dublin University Gender Equality Society Picture
  • Stop Ryanair forcing people from South Africa to take racist Afrikaans test
    Using Afrikaans to verify citizenship is racist, ignorant and insulting.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Welcome all Refugees fleeing war in Ukraine
    Ireland has international humanitarian obligations to act and respond to this crisis. The crisis in Ukraine has already forced people to flee for their lives and their safety. People power has previously forced the government to agree to an increase in the number of refugees we have accepted in Ireland. Now we must step up again to make the government live up to this commitment.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Julie Connelly
  • Doug Beattie - keep your promises on Integrated Education
    Right now, the Integrated Education Bill is going through the NI Assembly - but those opposed to integrated education are misleading schools and parents, telling them the Bill will harm existing schools - it won't. The Bill can pass if enough parties support it - and what the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) do will be crucial. Last month, Doug Beattie, the UUP Leader, signalled his support for integrated education and said "Northern Ireland has been blighted by division.. and yet we don't take the brave steps to try and deal with that division...we need to end educational apartheid which is taking place here in Northern Ireland." We need Doug and his MLAs to support the Integrated Education Bill, and resist attempts by the Bill's opponents to sign a "Petition of Concern" - an Assembly motion that would doom the Bill. Write now and tell Doug how you feel!
    586 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon
  • Remove Jimmy Carr's work from Netflix
    Over 500,000 Roma, Gypsy and Travellers were killed in the Holocaust. This content is an insult to those who died, and those who still mourn them. #StopTravellerHate #
    16 of 100 Signatures