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Resignation Owen Keegan' Us ' The people of Ireland are paying his wages and he's doing nothing to help homelessness and to criticise Celebrities volunteers etc and calling us all SUCKERS He should resign because he's incapable of Being in Charge as he's not doing his job13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Audrey Cox
Pro Choice: Kilkenny/CarlowThe 8th Amendment prevents people who can get pregnant in Ireland accessing abortion, and in doing so, denies them the right to choose what happens to their own body. This law was enacted 33 years ago, and many argue that it does not reflect the Ireland of today. It is essential that a new generation of people in Ireland should be given the opportunity to vote on whether this amendment has a place in Irish society today.10 of 100 Signatures
The National Children's HospitalBetter parking, accessability, built quicker,greater space for expansion in the future and save millions in the building. + listen to parents, Dr.Finn breathnach and Jonathan Irwan who are at the coalface of dealing with children with health issues.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pat Murphy