• Knockraha Says 'No' to Eirgrid Energy Converter
    We need to stop the industrialisation of Irelands rural landscape, noise pollution, damaging our historic townland's, natural heritage, environment, rural communities health and causing property devaluation.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Cremin
  • Rid our food chain of Single Use Plastics
    Single use plastics are damaging to the environment, non-recyclable and are a by product of the oil industry. With rocketing co2 levels and extreme weather events now a reality, we need to divest.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emer Fallon
  • Limit chain stores to preserve small business and the heritage of Galway
    Galway is becoming a carbon copy city and losing what makes it special. It is becoming uniform, full of multinational chains instead of the beautiful independent businesses it once had and is famous for.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clare Anne
  • I support Martin Kenny TD and stand against intimidation of supporters of asylum seekers.
    Free speech should not provoke fear of retribution by intimidation and acts of violence. People who support the rights of asylum seekers should not be silenced through fear. Our society must not be silenced by inarticulate bullies.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shae Flanagan Picture
  • Fermoy needs Bus Shelters
    These two bus stops are the most used bus stops in Fermoy of which hundreds of commuters used daily to travel to their desired destinations. In the winter, with reoccurring storms and heavy downfall of precipitation, people waiting to board their bus at these bus stops have no shelter in harsh weather conditions. As the buses are frequently late upon arrival, commuters are subjected to the harsh elements of winter in Ireland. It is of severe importance that Fermoy, Co. Cork is developed to a standard that is similar to that of other major commuting towns of Ireland. Hence, these bus stop shelters for commuters to use are essential during the harsh weather of irish winters.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grainne Fanning
  • IrelandVote16
    In light of the recent international climate justice marches it seems like the perfect time to fight for the right of young people to be able to vote in Ireland.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Orla Murphy Picture
  • Insurance Referendum
    The cost of insurance is ruining the country causing all sorts of disruption to business and leisure activity. A referendum would allow us to move onto the same system as the rest of the EU (ex UK) where awards are determined by Government and not the Courts.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Dixon
  • We want the government to build enough public housing for Dublin.
    We now have a housing crisis and a homelessness emergency in our city. If other countries provide public housing, why can't we? In the long run, the state would save money. At present they are spending millions on hotels to house the homeless and hap payments etc. This money is being wasted, going into private pockets) Our youth are forced to emigrate because they can't afford rent nor to buy their own homes. Our artists and musicians are leaving the city. DUblin could become a cultural vacuum full of old rich people with everyone else pushed out. People are sleeping in the streets and squashed into unsuitable, unsafe buildings. We need the government to grab hold of a hopeful, positive vision of homes for all, to make this logical decision, and to BUILD a better future for people in Dublin.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aoife Lalor
  • No More Sitka Spruce Plantations
    Sitka is a non-indigenous tree, and Ireland has a plan to plant millions more. These mono-culture plantations are ecological dead-zones and harm our native wildlife as well as our natural environment. We need smart and sustainable policies for a real future.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aprile Blake
  • Save Citizen Information services in Killaloe Ballina
    It’s with alarming concert that we the community of killaloe & Ballina hear that the local weekly citizens advice service had been suspended due to unforeseen circumstances. The community of killaloe & Ballina have a population of over 4,500 residents and the service had been in situ for well over 10 years providing free information advice support and Advocacy. We the community of Killaloe & Ballina value that weekly citizens information (CIC) service and wish to emphasise the importance of it, in supporting and addressing our complex queries. We have sign this petition to highlight the importance of keeping this service open in Killaloe to meet the needs of our community and to especially provide a face to face service to those that are marginalised and unable to get to Limerick or Nenagh Citizens information centers offices.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Orla Foley
  • Stop the government sharing our PPSN details without our consent
    No government has the right to freely allow the sharing of our personal data without our consent. If a private company did that they would prosecuted
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dermot Cullen
  • School Bus for Adamstown
    It is imperative to have a second school bus running for rural sustainability and the educational welfare of students.
    429 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Cait Bradley