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To: Charles Flanagan TD, Minister for Justice and Equality, The Department of Justice & the Irish government

Call on the Minister & the Department of Justice for Hate Crime Legislation in Ireland

The Africa Solidarity Centre Ireland calls on all Migrants, Africans, People of African Descent living in Ireland who have been affected, are victims of Afriphobia, or have experienced various types of Hate Crimes (Racial verbal abuse, assaults, discrimination or harassment in the workplaces, defilement of properties and vehicles: "excrements, rubbish, breakages, theft & fire …) to sign this petition to call on Charles Flanagan TD, Minister for Justice and Equality & The Department of Justice in the Irish government to implement the Hate Crime Legislation for the following reasons:
1. To take note of the significant numbers of migrants affected by race hate crimes in Ireland.
2. To recognise that the Hate Crime Law is critical and must be implemented in Ireland.
3. To accept the responsibility to protect equally, migrants from direct and Institutional racism, discrimination and Hate by established authority like the law enforcement and media.
4. Recognise the urgent need of Hate Crime Laws to protect victims, and ensure migrants received justice.

Why is this important?

In recent weeks and months there had been an increasing threats and attacks targeting migrants homes with dogs' poo, police brutality on Africans youths and Muslims with hijab which is totally unacceptable. The Hate Crime law is vital in every society but unfortunately, Ireland is the only country in Europe without this law.
Therefore this law is very important for the following reasons:
1. Protection of the most vulnerable in society; as migrants, asylum seekers and refugees suffer injustice daily as they are often attacked because of their race or religion,
3. It will serve as a deterrent to perpetrators of hatred in society,
4. Hate Crime laws help build a better community, diversity and inclusion fostering love and mutual respect for all.
5. Law and order are established crushing anti social behaviour by promoting equality, inclusion and honouring diversity in society,
6. It has a greater health benefits and well being on mental health of people promoting productivity in industry, leading to economic growth,
7. Ireland with this new Hate Crime Law in place will fulfil its obligations in terms of International Laws and as a member of the United Nations,
8. It is important for the Irish authorities to protect, safeguard migrants' freedom, rights and provide them with the same equal opportunity,
9. Protect their dignity and integrity in Ireland where we all belong,
10 . Encourage all migrants to express their experiences of hate crimes without being intimidated or harbouring the fear of losing their status,
11. This petition is designed to target all migrants and People of African descend to present the Department of Justice with primary statics of horrendous hate crimes committed against these minority groups living in Ireland.


2019-09-04 11:52:51 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-09-01 12:42:11 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-09-01 00:21:01 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-08-31 22:56:10 +0100

10 signatures reached