100 signatures reached
To: Eugene Cummins, CEO
Ban now the use of Glyphosate based and other toxic Weedkillers used by Roscommon County Council

We are calling on our local authority, Roscommon County Council to prohibit the use of glyphosate based weedkillers and other toxic herbicides not to be used in all public places including public footpaths, road verges, council estates and amenity areas.
We are also calling on the county council to use alternative organic based methods for all weed control. We are aware of the seriousness of this invasive species 'Japanese Knotweed', but studies have concluded that the longterm use of glyphosate weedkillers does not actually kill Japanese knotweed.
By using organic means to kill this highly invasive species it is proven to be irradicated in the same exact time frame. With the projected construction of Irelands first Soil Recovery centre in the Midlands, it stipulates that it will not accept any plant or soil material that's contaminated with any chemicals. It makes no sense to use contractor's who have no regard for anything but chemical control this also includes chemicals such as Garlon Ultra and Speed lite Pro which do not have a base glyphosate ingredient. These weedkillers have two other active ingredients (1.) Amino Pyralide (2.) Triclopyr. These active ingredients are incredibly toxic and will leach into the soil and our water. They like RoundUp also do not ever break down and our filtration systems are unable to remove these deadly cocktails.
We are also calling on the county council to use alternative organic based methods for all weed control. We are aware of the seriousness of this invasive species 'Japanese Knotweed', but studies have concluded that the longterm use of glyphosate weedkillers does not actually kill Japanese knotweed.
By using organic means to kill this highly invasive species it is proven to be irradicated in the same exact time frame. With the projected construction of Irelands first Soil Recovery centre in the Midlands, it stipulates that it will not accept any plant or soil material that's contaminated with any chemicals. It makes no sense to use contractor's who have no regard for anything but chemical control this also includes chemicals such as Garlon Ultra and Speed lite Pro which do not have a base glyphosate ingredient. These weedkillers have two other active ingredients (1.) Amino Pyralide (2.) Triclopyr. These active ingredients are incredibly toxic and will leach into the soil and our water. They like RoundUp also do not ever break down and our filtration systems are unable to remove these deadly cocktails.
Why is this important?
These chemical based weedkillers are highly carcinogenic and linked to a variety of potentially fatal diseases. Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller, Pathclear, Gallup, Pistol, Weedol and Mossgo are to name but a few of the weedkillers currently on the market that contain the cancer causing chemical glyphosate which is lethal to all living organisms. Ireland has the second highest level of glyphosate in our surface water in the EU and the third highest death rate of cancer in Europe. To ensure a safer, cleaner living environment for our current and future generations we want a complete ban of glyphosate weedkiller. We are extremely concerned that our Agricultural sector/farmers are bombarded with misinformation and pressure from government bodies that are directly lobbied by toxic chemical companies.
1. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/farmers-weapons-of-mass-destruction-carry-cancer-fears-1.3148492
1. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/farmers-weapons-of-mass-destruction-carry-cancer-fears-1.3148492