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To: Dublin City Council

Dublin's Health Emergency We need public toilet & hand washing facilities.

This petition calls on Dublin City Council in the wake of Covid 19 and to address the urgent issue of the city’s poor hygiene infrastructure and lack of public toilets. DCC currently has no action plan or budget allocated to place temporary toilets in and around the city, to be in place ahead of the June 8th (Phase 2) of unlocking the economy. Dublin City needs to be made to more attractive to retain repeat custom, this effects all business especially the retail & hospitality sectors.

If you need toilet and cannot find please use

The DCC needs to act now
Please take the Time to sign this petition and also I would be grateful if you could go to my GO FUND ME PAGE.

I hope to raise some funds to place some temporary toilets in the city with in the coming days, the aim will be to force DCC to immediate act roll out facilities before June 8th.

Why is this important?

My name is Richard Hanlon a co-owner of Busyfeet & Coco Cafe Dublin's oldest Fair-trade Cafe on South William street established in 2001.

My concern is the lack of availability of public toilets in Dublin's city centre currently and into the future, with only 2 public toilets operational at Connelly & Hueston stations for a city of 650k people at this time. The current crisis has accentuated the urgent issue of the city’s poor hygiene infrastructure which will have an adverse effect on both public health and the survival of city centre commercial areas. 

Under the road map to reopen Ireland’s society and economy we will move from Phase 1 to Phase 2 on June 8th.

This will mean significantly increased movement of citizens and an influx to the city which will be a major event within Dublin. This also will be a key economic turning point for the Dublin city center commerce, but due to ongoing restrictions there will be no accessible toilet or handwashing facilities for the public to use till Phase 3 June 28th. When some hospitality  and retailers  could allow access to their loos.

As an SME operator of coffee shops in both the city centre and suburbs, I am acutely aware of my customers requirement for easily accessible toilets. It is also very clear that the demands between the city and suburbs are vastly different during these times. People using suburban hospitality venues such as neighbourhood cafes for takeaway are within easy access of their own homes and bathroom facilities.

The 20 days period between Phase 2 & 3 will be a pivotal time for businesses in the city, who badly need to reopen and help kickstart the economy. The “No Place to Go” feeling will be a negative consequence of having no temporary public toilets available from June 8th in Dublin city centre, making returning custom much less unlikely ‘A first impression is a lasting impression to a customer’.  In a survey more than half agreed that the lack of public toilets stopped them from going out as often as they would like. Any further loss to future trade in the coming months in the city centre will be devastating economically, pushing most businesses to bankruptcy. The ‘Urinary leash’ will not only hold back all of us from venturing into the city center but it will hold back the country. 

There have been too many years of debating and deliberating about public toilets and in 2018 the Green Party hailed the achievement of 300k allocation of funds for public toilets, but this was never used and on the 25th May 2020 meetings with DCC called for temporary public toilets to be facilitated ahead of Phase 2 June 8th, but no budget or allocation could be agreed. Why is it so difficult to talk toilets in a modern age? 

Dublin is Ireland’s economic engine and  250,000 people work in Dublin 1 and 2 alone.  On average, 300,000 people visit Dublin city centre each day, but with the expected drop in footfall due to working from home requirements, reduced transport capacity and social distancing the hospitality sector alone is looking to operate at a maximum of c.45% capacity.  We could be looking at up to 150,000 less people a day, which will mean the closure of many.  Without the hospitality sector there will be no adequate toilet facilities within Dublin City, so we must come up with a solution for both short term and long term so we can maintain Dublin City as an attractive destination. 

Who will return to the city centre, when they cannot find toilets and handwashing places during this COVID 19 crisis? Would you? 

Without people, we have no commerce and Dublin has no future. Dublin City Council has to spend more than a penny now and act for the people of Dublin, so let's see them make a positive move soon and save our Dublin city’s heart from dirt, dereliction and disintegration.

City councillors and local politicians are eager to promote the rapid implementation of pedestrianisation of central zones and push for increased cycling as an important step to our future, even during this current health emergency. However, we should be reminded of our past where cycling and public toilets were commonplace and interlinked as we travelled further from our home privies. 

Does the council want to add to the increased unsanitary practices which are currently taking place in the city? Does the council want to force the public into a situation in which they are unable to wash their hands, when the HSE & our Taoiseach are telling us that it is essential to public health?

DCC need to act swiftly or further compound the the ability of the city commercial areas to survive.

How it will be delivered

We will deliver the signatures in conjunction with another on street toilet installation at Dublin City Councils Wood Quay office, and hold a press call.

Dublin, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2020-06-03 07:28:47 +0100

500 signatures reached

2020-06-01 00:35:35 +0100

2020-05-31 15:48:49 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-05-28 17:28:07 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-05-28 14:05:04 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-05-27 14:27:40 +0100

10 signatures reached