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To: Department of Education and Skills

Bus for 22 Students from Ballygarrett & Killenagh to Creagh College, Gorey

Minister John Halligan and Minister Joe McHugh please provide another school bus to bring our children to school.

Why is this important?

There are 22 children in the Killenagh/Ballygarrett area seeking school transport to Creagh College in Gorey, approximately 16km away.

Half of the parents in our group have already built their lives around the fact that the children can be brought to Creagh College by the School Transport system. Some of these children are going into 6th year. This is an additional stress on an already stressful year for any student.

We’ve looked into private busses and it is simply not affordable at €40-€50 per week per child. Some families have 3 children in the school and most of us will have multiple children over the coming years.

We have been advised that €4m would solve this situation nationally. We need a solution locally in two weeks. We need action NOW!!

Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland

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2019-08-20 17:44:57 +0100

500 signatures reached

2019-08-14 21:58:19 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-08-14 20:53:13 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-08-14 20:18:11 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-08-14 19:37:19 +0100

10 signatures reached