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To: Galway City Council, Galway City Councillors

Save The Meadows, Merlin Park Galway

To protect the Merlin Park Meadows from private development on designated public Recreational and Amenity land.

To pursue the protection of the highest designation due to it being an area of International importance due to its high biodiversity and links with the Merlin Park woodland creating a vital habitat for wildlife within the city of Galway.

Why is this important?

Merlin Park meadows has been conserved as a public amenity space for many generations and is a vital green space for the people of Galway. With 84 acres of land already zoned for development within the Merlin Park hospital complex, it will have an adverse impact on the community - once it is gone, it can never be replaced. With the expansion of housing and commercial lands surrounding the area, it is a healthy environment for the ever increasing population who depend on it as an escape from polluted environments, a place for mental relaxation and physical activity. Along with the Merlin Park Woods it is the only known habitat in the city where Red Squirrel are thriving and sightings from other areas of the city are of roadkill. It is home to thousands of mammals and wildlife species such as butterflies, bumblebees and dragonflies providing a safe haven for them with huge declines in the number of these species and many threatened species in recent years. It is home to a variety of Orchids and wildflowers similar to the protected Burren in Co Clare. This is a very unique meadow within the city of Galway and is totally natural. Galway has been awarded the European Green Leaf Award for 2017, to allow development on public land and destroy this meadow would totally go against this.



2016-09-12 23:16:56 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-09-06 20:45:10 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-09-06 16:56:56 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-09-06 14:48:10 +0100

Here is a recent video showing the importance of the meadows to our bumblebees and other species , all taken on a dull afternoon in August

2016-09-06 14:26:14 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-09-06 13:39:59 +0100

10 signatures reached