1,000 signatures reached
To: Bus Connects
Save Our Malahide Road Bus Stops

Stop Bus Connects from removing two bus stops with seats and bus shelters at Danieli Road (stop 1219) and Killester Avenue (stop 1220) and replacing them with a bus stop outside Artane Cottages Lower with no seats or shelter.
Why is this important?
Bus Connects has been granted permission by An Bord Pleanala to remove the bus stops at Danieli Road (1219) and Killester Avenue (1220). These are proposed to be replaced by a single bus stop outside Artane Cottages Lower, on a narrow footpath with no room for a bus shelter.
This means there will be no bus stop with shelter or seats on Malahide Road southbound between Artane Roundabout and Maypark (near Donneycarney church), a distance of almost 1km.
The local community is losing two well-used bus stops with full amenities situated on wide footpaths. Instead, all bus passengers who would otherwise use those two stops will be forced to wait on a narrow footpath directly outside the doors and windows of the houses at Artane Cottages Lower, with no shelter or amenities.
This will affect every passenger using the bus service along this whole stretch of the Malahide Road. The biggest impact will be on older passengers, passengers with disabilities and those travelling with children. The distances to bus services for residents from Killester Park / Craigford Drive and St. Brigid’s / Danieli Road will increase significantly.
The severe impact on all bus passengers in the area and on the residents of Artane Cottages Lower has been explained many times to Bus Connects in public consultations and formal objections to their proposals, but no changes have been made or instructed to them by An Bord Pleanala.
At this stage, the only option to prevent this proposal from being implemented in the Bus Connects scheme is to put pressure on the NTA and the Bus Connects project managers and engineers to revise the detail design for the stops between Artane Roundabout and Maypark in the next stage of the works.
Help us to lobby Bus Connects to revise the design.
Please sign the petition AND email them at [email protected] to tell them to save our bus stops.
This means there will be no bus stop with shelter or seats on Malahide Road southbound between Artane Roundabout and Maypark (near Donneycarney church), a distance of almost 1km.
The local community is losing two well-used bus stops with full amenities situated on wide footpaths. Instead, all bus passengers who would otherwise use those two stops will be forced to wait on a narrow footpath directly outside the doors and windows of the houses at Artane Cottages Lower, with no shelter or amenities.
This will affect every passenger using the bus service along this whole stretch of the Malahide Road. The biggest impact will be on older passengers, passengers with disabilities and those travelling with children. The distances to bus services for residents from Killester Park / Craigford Drive and St. Brigid’s / Danieli Road will increase significantly.
The severe impact on all bus passengers in the area and on the residents of Artane Cottages Lower has been explained many times to Bus Connects in public consultations and formal objections to their proposals, but no changes have been made or instructed to them by An Bord Pleanala.
At this stage, the only option to prevent this proposal from being implemented in the Bus Connects scheme is to put pressure on the NTA and the Bus Connects project managers and engineers to revise the detail design for the stops between Artane Roundabout and Maypark in the next stage of the works.
Help us to lobby Bus Connects to revise the design.
Please sign the petition AND email them at [email protected] to tell them to save our bus stops.