Save Our Trees
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Campaigns (12)
TullamoreSave Our TreesTrees are essential to our existence. They provide us with oxygen, reduce carbon and give life to the world's wildlife. Saving our trees will reduce greenhouse gases, protect our wildlife and bees, and make sure our environment and communities can be enjoyed by future generations.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paula Keogh
Keep Trees on the Royal Canal GreenwayTrees are essential to our existence. They provide us with oxygen, reduce carbon and give life to the world's wildlife. Saving our trees will reduce greenhouse gases, protect our wildlife and bees, and make sure our environment and communities can be enjoyed by future generations.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gildas O Laoire
Saint catherine's ParkSave 270 Old Beech Tree in St.Catherine's ParkThis tree is 270 years old and it was always there. It won't fall suddenly itself. Despite the risk assesed with its condition the alternative for allowing the tree to decay naturally could be reavulated and taken into consideration.(e.g. providing supporting construction to the tree). Trees are essential to our existence. They provide us with oxygen, reduce carbon and give life to the world's wildlife. Saving our trees will reduce greenhouse gases, protect our wildlife and bees, and make sure our environment and communities can be enjoyed by future generations.97 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beata C
Save our Four Districts Woodland HabitatWe need to preserve the wild woodland habitat which currently links the villages of Rathcoole and Saggart. This site, by our local park, has real potential as an amenity for our communities, as a haven for wildlife and as a living example for nature education. Wild green spaces are becoming rarer in South Dublin. Spending time in nature improves our mental and physical health, and reduces stress. The woodland provides great walking trails. The trees, wildflowers and waterways within are vital habitats and food sources. They enable birds, frogs, mammals and insects like bees and butterflies to thrive. Trees absorb water, lessening local flooding. They release oxygen, improving our air quality. They store carbon, helping against climate change. Help to secure the woodland for future generations. Please visit us on Facebook,909 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Susan Healy
SAVE DUBLIN'S TREESIt looks as if all routes leading to City Centre will suffer a great loss in trees/wildlife.. And Shane Ross, Minister for Transport and the National Transport Authority have been extremely vague on what steps they are willing to take to avoid this! Quite simply, this is not good enough: Dublin you have a choice to make, Dublin you have voice to be heard, Dublin this is your city and your home, Dublin don't just let them do what they want this time! Dublin there must be an ecological balance in progress and the future. DUBLIN IF WE GET THIS WRONG THERE IS NO GOING BACK TO FIX IT.13,431 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Bó Owen
TylerTrees Policy for Cork CityOver the past few years, there has been a sense of worry and shock among people living and visiting Cork who wish to protect the natural heritage of this city. The following events have caused irreversible and profound damage to trees in the city: -Storm Ophelia: Over 500 trees blown down. No replanting schemes. -Pruning works to mature trees at the Lee Fields and The Lough -The removal of trees in the city centre on the grounds of 'health and safety' -The removal of mature trees in the St. Lukes area -The paving of paths along Centre Park road where historic Lime trees were blown down during Storms Ophelia and Ali. With significant development planed for Cork over the next 20 years it is important that the City Council have a strategy for how we protect existing trees in the city and introduce new trees.2,118 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Conn Donovan
DublinSave the Four Masters' ParkThe Four Masters' Park is a small green lung on Berkeley Road in the heart of the North inner-city; one of the very few. It has many historic resonances, as it commemorates the Annals of the Four Masters while the memorial itself was commissioned by Sir William Wilde and executed by James Cahill. It was given by the Sisters of Mercy for the benefit of the local community. The current plan for the new MetroLink is to consume a substantial part of our green space for the new metro station. Less than 100 metres away from our park is a station already built under the Mater Hospital. This was a part of the old Metro North plans at the time Leo Varadkar was Minister for Transport in 2012. €20 million was spent on installing a station box beneath the new adult hospital. The Metro North enabling works were completed in 2013 under the Mater Whitty Building by BAM Contractors Ltd on behalf of the Railway Procurement Agency. It makes no sense to waste €20 million of public money and destroy a beloved local park. Recently, two vacant industrial sites nearby have been identified as possibilities, yet neither have been investigated by MetroLink. The beginning of 2020; a New Year of campaigning and we're delighted to welcome the support of the DUBLIN NORTH CITY BUSINESS & CULTURE COMMUNITY which comprises of 107 individual businesses from Parnell Square, Frederick Street, Upper and Lower Dorset Street, down to Croke Park and the Croke Park Hotel, who have added their signatures to the petition. Please join us in supporting this campaign.734 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Pauline Cadell
LetterkennyStop the Felling and Delimbing Of Trees at Glenveagh National ParkIn a very wild and barren landscape, there are very few forests in Glenveagh National Park. The trees offer protection for wildlife, allowing many mycelium species to flourish, insects, birds, and all wildlife benefit from the forest. The roots help reduce flooding with this enormous amount of rainfall, and the lake often coming up on the banks. The Trees, take in this access moisture. They also are wind shelter and the original estate owners planted these forests for this reason. Wind Shelter, Nature Preservation, Wildlife shelter, and simple enjoyment of the beauty and peace of the forest. These trees that are already being cut along the river path, are well over a hundred years old. What the Native Americans call "Grandmother Trees". Please stop cutting and start loving the trees of Glenveagh!200 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jeanne Mae
DublinSave Shankill Village166 properties (minimum) will be impacted by the project on Route 13, with removal of parking spaces in Shankill village, 330 roadside trees removed and new bus lanes introduced in acquired land spaces such as gardens and green areas. All for a maximum of 10 minutes (which we believe is exaggerated) saved bus time from Bray to City Centre. The proposals impact local businesses, parking for elderly and disabled, damage and destruction of local heritage such as the old railway bridge, safety issues for school children, environmental damage and harm to local wildlife and not least, impacting local's gardens, green areas and quality of life. Sign this petition, familiarise yourself with the plans on the website, and send in your objection through their online form here: Route 13 Bray to City Centre Proposal Brochure: Objection:,378 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Save Shankill Village
Stop felling healthy trees!County councils around Ireland have been felling hundreds of healthy roadside trees with no consultation and no prior notice to local residents according to numerous reports and photos like the one above from Waterford. It is claimed that this is at the behest of insurance companies and for fear of insurance claims.* Though statistics show that your chances of being killed by a falling tree in a public space are 1 in 20,000,000.* Dublin City Council's Tree Strategy notes roadside trees as being vital for many reasons. "Trees clean the air, provide natural flood defences, mask noise and promote a general sense of wellbeing. Within the higher density areas of the city trees have considerable beneficial impacts on the lives of those who do not have immediate access to other more traditional types of open space. Trees, for example, can add colour, interest and beauty to our busy streets. Within the city, urban trees contribute significantly towards many environmental and social benefits, such as journey quality, biodiversity, temperature regulation and habitat." Extinction threat: Over the past few decades we have lost 75% of all insect life globally. Recent research shows that insects in Ireland are dying off even faster than the alarming global average, for some species it's over three times as fast*. One in four of all species of wildlife in Ireland is also threatened with extinction. Without insects we will have ecosystem collapse and our ability to grow enough food to feed ourselves will be drastically affected. Trees support a multitude of the insect species that are under threat in Ireland. Oak trees support over *423 species* of insects and mites. Though it is unthinkable today, felling hundreds of healthy trees now is making it almost inevitable that crops will fail and we will experience food shortages in Ireland in the not so distant future.,015 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Deirdre O'Leary