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To: Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council

The Hamilton Way

The Hamilton Way pedestrian and cycle route would link DIAS Dunsink Observatory, the Royal Canal Greenway, the Tolka Valley Greenway and Ashtown in Dublin 15.

Why is this important?

Dunsink Observatory in Dublin 15 was built in 1785 and is a unique part of the scientific and cultural heritage of Ireland. It has been home to many of Ireland’s greatest scientists, including Sir William Rowan Hamilton, and has played an important part in astronomical discovery and public engagement in Ireland for over two centuries.

The observatory currently receives about 5,000 visitors per year, but access to the observatory is limited via Dunsink Lane.

We therefore propose a ~450 metre foot and cycle route to the observatory from the top of Dunsinea Lane (at Phoenix FC/Priorstown House gates).

The Hamilton Way would transform access to the observatory and open it up to many more visitors from Ashtown, the Royal Canal, Tolka Valley Park and the Phoenix Park.

Learn more about the Hamilton Way at
Dunsink Ln, Dublin, Ireland

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2021-04-26 14:01:57 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2020-10-16 20:28:06 +0100

500 signatures reached

2020-10-13 15:30:58 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-10-13 13:16:38 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-10-13 12:39:50 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-10-13 12:30:12 +0100

10 signatures reached