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To: Minister with Responsibility for Older People Jim Daly and Minister for Health Simon Harris

Stop Nursing Homes Charging Extra Fees

Stop ‘top up payments’ charged to elderly in private nursing homes for “additional unspecified extra’s' that many are unable to participate in.

Why is this important?

Nursing homes need to be up front with an 'additional charges'. Many elderly people are too infirm to participate in 'additional extra’s and services! whatever they turn out to be. A reported example is of some being charged €20 for Mass is disgraceful. All private nursing homes should publish their list of what they are charging for over and above the fee for care. The list of ‘services’ should have the cost next to each item listed as well.

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2017-09-22 19:39:35 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-09-22 10:39:47 +0100

10 signatures reached