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To: Ministers Paschal Donohoe, Darragh O'Brien, Kevin Boxer Moran.

Save The Iveagh Gardens

The Public want the Iveagh Gardens, which belong to the State, to be allowed to remain intact and the  protected boundary wall to be left in place.

The protected boundary wall is in the way of the new Science Centre plan and that is why they want to demolish it.
In other European capital cities precious  heritage parks like the Iveagh Gardens would be protected by the state.
Instead our Government has casually handed over a part of a heritage park to facilitate the interest of a small cohort.
This should be unthinkable
We call on the Government to recognise the value of the Iveagh Gardens in its current state and halt the proposed demolition of the boundary wall to facilitate the building of a Science Centre.
We call on our Governments Ministers to  listen to the widespread public objections to the plan.
The Government should be uphold the rights and protections of our parks and not facilitate the diminishment of priceless heritage.


Why is this important?

An important part of protecting heritage is to recognise the value of a place - to the people who value it.
The value the Iveagh Gardens holds for the people who value it is being arrogantly dismissed by the NCSC plan.
We should not have to fight to preserve 
our heritage and heritage parks against vested interests no matter how worthy those interests consider themselves.
The excuse of  ‘opening up the park to improve accessibility’ is a nonsense and does not stand up to scrutiny in any argument for the conservation of enclosed parks.
The only reason for  ‘opening up’ the park is to create accessibility to the Science Centre .
Our heritage parks have the right to exist free from the threat of interference from vested interests.
 The Government should be upholding those protections and not facilitating exploitation of priceless heritage
Our public parks and Gardens must be free from interference and not handed over in whole or in part to facilitate building by vested interests. 

Through the OPW  the state undertook to protect, conserve, and restore’  Iveagh Gardens for the city of Dublin.
The state must honour this commitment and preserve the Iveagh Gardens intact.
Save the boundary wall.
Save The Iveagh Gardens. 

How it will be delivered

We plan to deliver the petition to the Dail and hand it in to the relevant Ministers.

Iveagh Gardens, St Stephen's Green, Park, Dublin 2, D02 HX65, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2025-03-07 15:56:39 +0000

The petition is now at a whopping 48,200 and counting.
Thank you to everyone who has signed.
Chris Andrews raised the issue in the Seanad this week with the latest Minister with responsibility for the OPW, Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran.
His name is back on the petition again where it was when the campaign started in 2017 and he was the Minister.
There is a hiatus at the moment with the plan due to come under further scrutiny by PAC (Public Accounts Committee) again. That is when a new PAC is formed.

2024-08-08 08:29:17 +0100

A LOT has been going on since ABP upheld the decision to grant permission fort the OPW/NCSC (ICML)to go ahead
The OPW were invited to appear before PAC to explain the deal the. 23 year old deal they had with the ICML and why they were being forced to proceed when, as demonstrated by the legal wrangling they have been involved in with ICML, they were clearly were reluctant.
Chris Andrews raised the Issue of the Iveagh Gardens in The Dail with Minister Kieran O’Donnell. Even the Ceann Comhairle was moved to ask questions. Videos of this were posted by me on Twitter and widely shared.
Prime Time did a Programme on the issue
So it’s been extremely busy.
According to the NCSC the plan is set to go ahead in 2025.
The petition is to be relaunched.

2023-04-25 17:23:26 +0100

Since the aforementioned DCC approval for the plan last November I lodged an appeal on behalf of STIG with An Bord Pleannala. As a result of that appeal, and another that was put in, the plan has been placed on hold. ABP appear to be suffering a backlog so there is still no news on the decision.
The appeal got noticed by Irish Times journalist Eoin Burke Kennedy who wrote two separate IT’s articles.
So the fate of Iveagh Gardens is still undecided.

2022-11-29 20:50:09 +0000

I'm sorry to have to announce that the OPW have been successful Dublin City Council have granted them planning permission - for the second time.
It seems precious city biodiversity doesn't count for much when the OPW go looking for planning.
It also seems protected structures don't count for much either or important green refuges and places of recreation. The Save the Iveagh Gardens will be doing everything in its power, with your help, to block this arrogant takeover of a public park.

2022-10-28 15:39:22 +0100

I've just submitted my observation to DCC. Only a few days left before the Nov 2nd deadline.
Here's the link again
Planning ref 4951/22 . If you were thinking of putting in observations- The erasure of biodiversity is a strong point.
Mention that this is an important aim and objective in DC development plan 2022- 2028 and the proposal ignores this. Good luck!

2021-12-01 15:54:19 +0000

I am very happy to announce that the destructive plan I have been fighting against for the last four years will not now be going ahead.
This is fantastic news for our much loved Iveagh Gardens, great news for Dublin City and its citizens. Heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all of you who have spoken out in your 10's of thousands to show your love and respect for this unique city park.

2021-05-27 19:17:48 +0100

The PAC ( Public Accounts Committee)
Have written a damning report concerning the OPW's mismanagement of its building projects.
The report bolsters our belief that the Iveagh Gardens/NCH plan must be put under proper scrutiny in terms of accountability, transparency ,best practice and best use of public money.

2021-03-05 18:04:27 +0000

Thank you to everyone who has signed in recent days. It's amazing to watch the petition climbing so rapidly again to nearly 45k. Having fought this at times lonely battle for three years, it is energising and encouraging to see how much love and support there is for this precious and unique part of our built heritage. We're standing up for The Iveagh Gardens, we're standing up for our built heritage, we're standing up for our city wildlife. Thank you

2020-10-30 17:04:12 +0000

Thank you for signing. Your help in trying to Save the Iveagh Gardens is really appreciated. We are aiming to get to 50k we can do it!

2020-10-12 13:46:59 +0100

The OPW have informed The Save the Iveagh Gardens that the work which was to commence in The Autumn of 2020 (now) has been postponed till 2021. No date has been given. The campaign has raised the issue of the threat to the Iveagh Gardens with Minister Patrick O'Donovan who has replaced Kevin 'Boxer' Moran,as Minister with responsibility for the OPW. We are waiting to hear his response. The campaign has also contacted housing Minister Darragh O'Brien who has Heritage in his portfolio and Dublin's new Mayor Hazel Chu.

2020-02-05 20:47:42 +0000

Right. After a bit of a lull and a false sense of security the OPW have the plan back on the table for 2020. See (The Journal Sept '19) The prospect of the destruction of the wildlife habitat is just awful. A pair of Ravens can be spotted in the Gardens most mornings and there are many birds and bats that inhabit the gardens as well as the insects and all the other 'invisible' creatures that will go under the bulldozer when they clear the wood. There is no date set for the work to commence - yet. When there is we will mobilise to stop this destruction. The campaign will be calling on city dwellers, nature lovers, history lovers, lovers(!) garden lovers, architectural heritage lovers, landscape lovers, old wall lovers, peace lovers, green space lovers, as well as the musicians and comedians who have perform in The Gardens to stand in solidarity with The Iveagh Gardens. Watch This Space!

2019-05-17 11:33:21 +0100

I wrote to most of the candidates standing in Dublin South East constituency and asked them where they stood on proposed Science Museum plan.
I got three responses so far.

Sarah Durcan(SD'S) : 'I've been following your campaign with interest for the past couple of years, and you have my full support!'

Jacqui GilBourne (Renua): The Iveagh Gardens should be left intact... i say no to any building leading to the loss of green space and the knocking of trees... there is enough building space without developing the Iveagh Gardens....'

Danny Byrne (FG):'I would like to meet you and or any of your neighbours at the gardens so as I can assess for myself.'

I'll post them as I get them.....

2018-11-19 21:03:49 +0000

20,000 signatures reached

2018-11-12 20:51:59 +0000
If you haven't seen it already This Article by Paddy Woodworth was in The Irish Times Saturday 3rd of November. Very grateful to Paddy for giving the threat to the Iveagh Gardens
a proper airing. Thank you also to Derek Speirs for generously allowing his photographs to be used.

2018-08-12 15:11:45 +0100

Great news! The Iveagh Gardens have been awarded a green flag by An Taisce in recognition that they are a QUALITY green space. This is a big boost to the Save the Iveagh Gardens Campaign. It is formal acknowledgment of the Gardens value as a city centre green space. Hats off to An Taisce for giving the Iveagh Gardens this important recognition and support! The OPW and Exploration Station have to listen to the growing opposition to their proposed plaza, perimeter destruction and four story concrete and glass building. If they continue with their plan it will be one of the worst cases of state sponsored destruction of a protected monument in recent decades.