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To: Ministers Paschal Donohoe, Darragh O'Brien, Kieran O’Donell, Catherine Martin

Save The Iveagh Gardens

The Public want the Iveagh Gardens, which belong to the State, to be allowed to remain intact and the  protected boundary wall to be left in place.

The protected boundary wall is in the way of the new Science Centre plan and that is why they want to demolish it.
In other European capital cities precious  heritage parks like the Iveagh Gardens would be protected by the state.
Instead our Government has casually handed over a part of a heritage park to facilitate the interest of a small cohort.
This should be unthinkable
We call on the Government to recognise the value of the Iveagh Gardens in its current state and halt the proposed demolition of the boundary wall to facilitate the building of a Science Centre.
We call on our Governments Ministers to  listen to the widespread public objections to the plan.
The Government should be uphold the rights and protections of our parks and not facilitate the diminishment of priceless heritage.


Why is this important?

An important part of protecting heritage is to recognise the value of a place - to the people who value it.
The value the Iveagh Gardens holds for the people who value it is being arrogantly dismissed by the NCSC plan.
We should not have to fight to preserve 
our heritage and heritage parks against vested interests no matter how worthy those interests consider themselves.
The excuse of  ‘opening up the park to improve accessibility’ is a nonsense and does not stand up to scrutiny in any argument for the conservation of enclosed parks.
The only reason for  ‘opening up’ the park is to create accessibility to the Science Centre .
Our heritage parks have the right to exist free from the threat of interference from vested interests.
 The Government should be upholding those protections and not facilitating exploitation of priceless heritage
Our public parks and Gardens must be free from interference and not handed over in whole or in part to facilitate building by vested interests. 

Through the OPW  the state undertook to protect, conserve, and restore’  Iveagh Gardens for the city of Dublin.
The state must honour this commitment and preserve the Iveagh Gardens intact.
Save the boundary wall.
Save The Iveagh Gardens. 

How it will be delivered

We plan to deliver the petition to the Dail and hand it in to the relevant Ministers.

Iveagh Gardens, St Stephen's Green, Park, Dublin 2, D02 HX65, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2017-10-26 10:57:19 +0100

Inaccurate Article in the Irish Times by Olivia Kelly today states OPW development will GO UP TO THE BOUNDARY wall. This is not what the plan says. Notice they didn't use the photograph of the building that was in previous IT article back in February which shows clearly the impact on Iveagh Gardens

2017-10-23 21:46:13 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2017-10-22 12:50:56 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2017-10-21 17:30:48 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2017-10-21 15:02:47 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-10-21 11:43:47 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-10-21 10:48:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-10-21 09:45:09 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-10-21 09:04:19 +0100

10 signatures reached