To: Inland Fisheries Ireland
Remove legal nets from Castlemaine Harbour

Stop netting Wild Atlantic Salmon in Castlemaine Harbour!
Why is this important?
Every year thousands of Wild Atlantic Salmon are netted and killed in Castlemaine Harbour by Legal State Regulated nets. With Atlantic Salmon at critical levels and to legally license nets to kill our Native Salmon is beyond unacceptable. Castlemaine Harbour is an SAC which means Atlantic Salmon are a qualifying interest. Nets operate all over the Harbour, some are licensed to operate in Cromane, others in the mouths of very important rivers like the Laune and the Maine. The Behy river, Caragh River and the Emalgh river are all affected by nets operating in Cromane. Inland Fisheries Ireland, the state body in charge of protecting our Salmon in Ireland, authorise a mixed stock fishery in Castlemaine Harbour. In 2019 the number of salmon netted in the river Laune was 1,539 and in Cromane it was 549. There is reason to believe that many more Salmon are caught illegally also by not being tagged when caught in nets. Inland Fisheries Ireland admit that Salmon numbers are decreasing every year so why allow these nets to continue killing Salmon year in and year out. We put alot of pressure on this issue last year and it will be the same this year. Its an environmental disaster and our government is at fault. They are the ones leasing the nets so they can continue to destroy our beautiful rivers. This practice is not only continued in Castlemaine Harbour but continues all over Ireland. We want to concentrate first on Castlemaine because we believe that the Maine river is under serious stress and the figures collected by the Inland Fisheries Ireland are falsified to keep the fishery open. I wont be going nowhere, netting starts in May and we start now, get sharing and signing. Tight lines. Daniel
How it will be delivered
When netting stops we will decide what to do!