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To: AIB CEO Colin Hunt

Keep cash services in AIB Birr

People-power forced AIB to reverse their decision. AIB has said it has “decided not to proceed” with the proposed changes to its services that would have seen AIB Birr no longer process cash.

Please keep cash services in our AIB branch. Going cashless would gravely impact our community as a whole

Why is this important?

Going cashless would gravely impact our community as a whole. There are a great deal of people that hugely rely on the cash services daily. There are many people who would negatively impact from going cashless including elderly people & people who cannot travel to other banks elsewhere. I would also affect people who are not tech savy. We do not want a cashless society
Townparks, Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland

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2022-07-22 15:28:45 +0100

Petition is successful with 2 signatures