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To: Irish Water , Local TD`s, Galway County Council

Demand Safe Water for Furbo - Spiddal - Rossaveal area

*Official notice and apology to the 5,000+ households that have been affected
*Information of the health risks
*Compensation for damage of electrical appliances
* Safe water

Why is this important?

Sign this petition to let your voice be heard
We have had no information and no apology regarding the unsafe tap water.
The public water quality is considerably compromised and a serious risk to your health if you consume it.
This should in a written statement to every household affected.
There should also be a notice that the water will damage and break appliances i.e kettle, dishwasher, washing machines etc
We need an disposal unit for electrical and plastic waste caused by this issue and compensation for broken appliances.

There is a good article here on how Maganese can be toxic and dangerous to our health.

If you are worried that you have symptoms , you can contact your G.P and book some tests.

Vitamin E and Milk Thistle may help to to combat manganese toxicity.
Bohoona East, Spiddal, Co. Galway, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2022-10-19 10:46:22 +0100

There is a good article here on how Maganese can be toxic and dangerous to our health.

If you are worried that you have symptoms , you can contact your G.P and book some tests.

Vitamin E and Milk Thistle may help to to combat manganese toxicity.

2022-10-19 10:40:46 +0100

Irish Water
[email protected] [email protected]
Galway County Council:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
TDs emails
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

2022-10-19 10:40:28 +0100

Hello everyone,
Thank you for signing the water crisis petition. There is just over 600 of us and growing! It's unbelievable that this is going on for over month and that there has been no formal written communication or public meeting by Irish Water, the County Council, the HSE, or local representatives.

People deserve to know (a) how the issue of manganese contamination arose and when (b) what the possible health risks are (which are well documented) (c) why have people not been properly informed, including some older and more vulnerable people and (d) what is the timeline for resolving this. Also (e) we need to know if people will be compensated for broken appliances as apparently, the water has caused issues here.

Apparently local TDs and Councillors have been working on this, some more than others, but we need to hear updates and see action. I'd encourage you to contact TDs and Councillors, Irish Water, Galway County Council, the HSE etc.

2022-10-18 12:06:10 +0100

500 signatures reached

2022-10-17 16:37:05 +0100

100 signatures reached

2022-10-17 14:28:52 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-10-17 13:17:01 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-10-17 12:51:06 +0100

10 signatures reached