To: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee


We are calling for the immediate publication of a second report that was due in April to outline the targets for the nationwide delivery of essential domestic violence services.

As well as signing this petition, please contact your local Government TDs and urge them to call for the immediate release of the report.

Why is this important?

The Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael and Green government have missed their own deadline on the publication of a second report that was expected to outline the targets for the nationwide delivery of services.

We are calling on people to contact their local government TDs and Minister Helen McEntee to urge the release of this report and provide actionable timelines for the delivery of a refuge that can provide wraparound services, in Carlow and the 8 other counties without one.

Now that the issue has fallen out of public focus the government has dropped the ball, but we won’t stand for it. The Government has failed us for too long on domestic violence, we need to hold them to account on their deadlines.

Ireland is currently providing less than 30% of the places recommended under the Istanbul Convention. The Government must increase the number of refuge places needs to be increased by at least 350.

There are 9 counties with no refuge in Ireland. Campaigners in Carlow have been calling since 2017 and have been consistently stonewalled by the Government.

Tusla has still not made any contact with Carlow Council on the provision of a refuge despite a statement from Government in February saying this would happen.

Everyday, women and children are being turned away and forced to choose between homelessness and returning to their abuser and staying in abusive relationships for fear of homelessness.

We cannot wait, demand action now!
Carlow, Ireland

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