THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING...Before the election, Oireachtas recommendations to legislate for Assisted Dying were presented. Since then, nothing. Our new government is saying nothing. Now we need your help.
We know 76% of the people in Ireland want to see legislation for #VoluntaryAssistedDying. But, without pressure from the public, we know this new government will ignore what we want.
Please view then share this message from Siobhan Malone McBarron.Will you help us? By signing this petition and ticking the box to receive updates, we can keep in contact with you.
We are a grassroots organisation, volunteer run, relying on the good will of our small but mighty group of volunteers and donations, however small to keep this campaign going.
What is #AssistedDying? Why is it needed?Legislation means a person of sound mind, who chooses to have an assisted death and meets the eligibility criteria of being within 6 months of death for someone with a terminal illness, or 12 months with a neurodegenerative condition to be able to die here in Ireland, when
they can bear no more.
This service is based on compassion and in every country where legislation exists, there are strict controls and importantly,
no legislation has been rescinded. We know a kinder death is possible. Nobody should have to travel abroad, or take matters into their own hands, or to die alone.
We urge you to go and see your local TDs. Or email. Include this link. Siobhan's message is clear. Anyone with a terminal or incurable illness should be able to die in their own country.
Dying people, who want this valid end of life choice don't have time to wait or waste.