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To: Minster Simon Harris

Stop the Stigma of Mental Health in Third Level and Further Education

We want you Simon to help all the students in both Third Level and Future Education Colleges, to stop the Stigma of Mental Health.

Why is this important?

It is important for this to happen, because there are students in both Third Level and Future Education Colleges who are being looked down upon and made feel ashamed and embarrassed because of their mental health and the majority of us Students are being kicked out of their college for having a Mental Health Illness. You can't just stick a plaster over a Mental Health Illness, it's not the same as a broken arm or leg; were it it will heal in approximately 6 weeks. I think both students and teachers should be taught about Mental Health so they can understand it more and know exactly how to help someone with Mental Health; mental health isn't just an illness; it affects everyone differently and the majority of mental health goes unnoticed due to it been invisible. 1 in 5 people have Mental Illness, 5 in 5 people have Mental Health We want you Simon Harris to join us Students in stopping this Stigma of Mental Health in college, especially now in these difficult times.


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2021-05-21 21:42:33 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-11-20 17:40:01 +0000

Will you join me in signing this petition in helping me to Stop the Stigma of Mental Health in Third Level and Further Education.

2020-10-30 03:01:23 +0000

It is important to get the message across that the stigma of mental health has to stop. Please share this petition with your family and friends. Remember we are all in this together!!

2020-10-28 17:15:28 +0000

10 signatures reached