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To: All members of Dublin City Council

Save Portobello

Don’t allow the closure of portobello to build another hotel.

Why is this important?

Portobello in Dublin is a known landmark for skaters. It is a public safe space for everyone to use and enjoy and is a very popular skate spot and has been since the early 2000’s. Its crucial for the area and Dublin alike. It’s been used for skate competitions, young and old skaters alike to gain skill and for people to simply just enjoy the beautiful willow trees by the canal on a sunny day. There is currently barricades up, blocking access to this haven as another proposed hotel is once again attempting to force the original culture out of Dublin to make way for more greed, money and financial gain. This is unacceptable. People skate to free their mind; this in turn helps with their mental health (which we all know is still a huge problem in Ireland that is not being tackled correctly) and socialise with people (which is needed now more than ever with the state of current affairs the last 2 years) and make friends outdoors in a safe environment. Public toilets are needed there, not Garda patrols and closure. They’re proposing to block access to this necessary space for 2 years, but who knows when it will be available again. So I’m writing this to appeal to you, your friends, your partners and anyone else who you know who has fallen in love with and shares a passion for skating to raise much needed awareness on this wreckless, senseless act, to save Portobello and not leave the vultures win with taking over more space to make more money to ruin a city that should belong to its people. Please share this petition and sign it and let’s together save Portobello skate spot! Thank you. Peace and love.
Portobello, Dublin, Ireland

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2022-01-10 21:50:37 +0000

100 signatures reached

2021-12-21 15:13:08 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-12-21 10:15:30 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-12-19 16:03:07 +0000

10 signatures reached