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To: Galway city council

Remove the Galway Christopher Columbus Statue Now!

It is time that this monument is removed and replaced with a piece of art that reflects our respect for and shared history with the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. 

Why is this important?

Did you know that Christopher Columbus is honoured with a sculpture at Spanish Arch in Galway city? 
It is both strange and shameful that the man credited with the first colonial voyage to the present day Americas, and the subsequent genocide of the Indigenous people would be celebrated in this city and on this island. It is time that this monument is removed and replaced with a piece of art that reflects our respect for and shared history with the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. 

The sculpture was commissioned by Columbus's hometown of Genoa in 1992 to commemorate the 500 years since Columbus set sail across the Atlantic, initiating the genocidal conquest of the Americas and the attempted erasure of ancient cultures that were at home there for thousands of years when Columbus seemingly 'discovered' it. The statue commemorates a voyage that Columbus may have taken to Galway in 1477. 

Galway stands with the Indigenous people of the Americas, as we stand with the people of Palestine who are today experiencing the same settler colonial ethnic cleansing by Israel and supported by their Western allies. 

It is time that this sculpture is removed and our historic connection with the native American people honoured with its own monument in Galway!
Galway City, Galway, Ireland

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2024-11-06 15:29:41 +0000

50 signatures reached

2024-10-30 22:00:41 +0000

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2024-10-30 18:19:21 +0000

10 signatures reached