To: Minister for Transport

Reform Dublin Bus

Reform the services and culture of Dublin Bus so the buses are reliable, on time, and safe

Why is this important?

If you live in Dublin and have ever have any interactions with dublin buses you know what I’m talking about: the buses are rarely-if ever- on time… the schedule is a joke… the digital displays never tell the truth; when the driver sees you running to the bus stop, he shuts the doors and drives off; if you are a cyclist you are afraid for your life; and if you are stuck without change- good luck! We live in a modern industrialised nation; but the developing world has much better bus services. Why do we put up with grumpy, rude drivers and a bus service which can’t get our kids to school on time? Dublin Bus is a joke, but no one’s laughing. Sign up to this and let’s get the minister to institute a proper reform of Dublin Bus so we can get a service that actually works. Where the drivers are courteous and friendly and treat their passengers and fellow road users with genuine respect and care for their safety; where the drivers enjoy their job and their interactions with the public; where the buses run according to the schedule; where the information provided by the digital displays are accurate; where it’s a pleasure to take a bus in Dublin because it’s a true public service that takes care. For the environment, the workers, the public, and the city: Reform Dublin Bus!
Dublin, Ireland

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