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To: Fingal County Council

R128 Road Closure Kilbush Lane to Palmer Road Rush

Identify an alternative means for completion of works required which does not involve full road closure and limited bus services.
e.g. partially close the road, complete the works at night and/or weekends

Why is this important?

The current proposal is to close the R128 from Kilbush Lane to Palmer Road from 4th September to 24th November. This results in cancellation of the 33 bus service through Rush to Skerries and instead implementation of a shuttle bus service, the details of which are unclear.
This affects all people relying on public transport to work, to get kids to schools and will cause massive disruption and inconvenience.
The only other access road will be via Palmer Road which is unlit and already in an appalling state and not capable of supporting the levels of through traffic this road closure will cause.
Rush, County Dublin, Ireland

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