To: The Irish Government and President Michael D Higgins

Petition to welcome more than 10 Syrian Refugees to Ireland

Ireland “agreed” to take 4,000 refugees in the wake of the biggest refugee crisis since World War II on September 10th of last year. Given Ireland’s painful history with emigration it’s disappointing that this number was not significantly higher. What’s more disappointing is that we were told it would take 2 years to take up this paltry allocation. At that rate it would mean that Ireland should have welcomed 1,100 refugees by the end of March 2016. Now for the truly embarrassing statistic, the actual number of Syrian refugees welcomed is 10. Frances Fitzgerald, acting Minister for Justice is on Dáil record as saying:
“Ireland has, always lived up to its international humanitarian obligations and the Government are fully committed to playing its part in addressing the current crisis”.

Please do not invoke my country’s name until Ireland starts to play an active role in solving this humanitarian disaster.

Refugee & Migrant Solidarity Ireland

Why is this important?

Ireland has a commitment to live up to its international humanitarian obligations


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