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To: Fingal County Council

Naul - Safe pedestrian routes to school

Photo by Gunnar Madlung on Unsplash

Fingal County Council
Local Elected Representatives

For well over 10 years the community of Naul have highlighted the dangerous location of Naul National School and the inadequate and unsafe pedestrian access.

Ultimately the school needs to be moved to a new and safer location within the village.

In the interim we are calling on Fingal County Council to reduce the speed limit at the school to a 30km zone.
We are also calling on Fingal County Council to install new footpath from the Cabinhill Junction to the school.
We are also asking that the existing footpath from the school to the village be repaired and widened to 1.8m in width to fall in line with safety requirements. There are areas along this current pathway where the path disappears and we are asking that this area be given attention and the footpath continued.

We are also calling on Fingal County Council to examine all pedestrian access points around the village of Naul and make improvements to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

Why is this important?

We need the community of Naul to come together in one strong voice to demand these changes.
What we are asking for is very basic.
We want our children to be able to access their school and education in the safest manner possible.
For years Naul has been ignored and side lined with more and more traffic coming through the village and past the school at speed.
We need to stand up now and make our voices heard and take action before its too late and someone loses their life.

Dublin, Ireland

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2023-12-07 07:41:11 +0000

50 signatures reached

2023-12-06 16:28:19 +0000

25 signatures reached

2023-12-06 15:56:00 +0000

10 signatures reached