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To: RTÉ Authority and Minster for Communications, Eamon Ryan TD

Lean le Gaeilge ar RTÉ/Continue with Gaeilge on RTÉ

A chinntiú go leanann Gaeilge mar lár-chuid do shaol chraolacháin RTÉ. To ensure that Gaeilge remains a central part of the language used throughout the broadcasting day on our national channels.

Why is this important?

Tá an Ghaeilge taréis a bheith an-feiceálach ar RTÉ le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bheadh sé iontach dá gcloisfeadh agus dá bhfeicfeadh muintir na hÉireann an Ghaeilge go laethúil mar chuid lárnach de chláracha de gach saghas ar stáisiúin raidio agus teilifíse RTÉ.
The Irish language has been freely used by presenters on our main national broadcaster during Seachtain na Gaeilge. It would be uplifting and in-keeping with our rights as citizens if our national radio and TV channels featured our national language used freely and naturally to indicate a truly bilingual broadcasting environment.

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2021-08-28 21:54:16 +0100

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