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To: Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, TD; Minister for State for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler, TD.

Keep Ocean View Care Home Open

Dear Ministers,

On September 11th, the HSE became the interim care provider at Ocean View due to mismanagement by the Aperee Living group.

Ocean View has been providing excellent care from its purpose-built facility for 32 years. From its perch overlooking Tralee Bay, it is a vital part of the community, much beloved by many. “Some of the most vulnerable people in our society are looked after by the brilliant care staff working in the nursing home sector.” -  Minister Stephen Donnelly, TD.

With the chronic shortage of good homes for the elderly in rural Ireland, it is more important than ever that Ocean View stays open now, and in the future.

We assert the following:
  1. Ocean View currently homes 25 residents. All of whom are vulnerable, but some are considerably more vulnerable than others. Certain residents simply may not survive the move. 

  2.  The residents’ physical and emotional well-being will decline rapidly if they are removed from the home and locality they know. They will lose, not only the vital and frequent visits from friends and family who live nearby but also the critical relationships built up with their carers over the years. One of the residents has been there for over 12 years. It is wrong to take them away from the people who know them best. It is accepted best practice to keep the elderly at the heart of their local communities. 

  3.  This is a financial crisis, not a crisis of care. HIQA has commended Theresa Winters, Director of Nursing, and her staff for providing first-rate care. Ocean View has residents with very complex needs that other care homes have refused to accept. These residents are now safe and settled. It is unacceptable that they pay the price for the financial shortcomings of a parent company. The government must ensure these Irish citizens, who have paid taxes all their lives, are afforded a safe space to thrive. That is their right. 

  4.  Ocean View is fully staffed, with a long waiting list. When allowed to run at full occupancy, it is proven to be financially viable. The required fire works, which started in January, could be completed in 6 weeks if the money was made available. 

  5. Ocean View could model how successful care for the elderly works in rural Ireland. It is small and homely, enjoys remarkable local support, and has nurtured meaningful relationships with the GPs, pharmacies and other healthcare providers in the area. It also provides vital employment for over 50 people. 

We urgently demand:
  1. No residents are moved. 
  2.  The Department of Health creates the necessary legal and financial framework to enable the HSE to purchase the facility, complete essential fire works and run it at full occupancy for the foreseeable future, thereby providing 34 beds in rural Kerry.

    We acknowledge that the Ocean View financial crisis is not of the HSE’s doing. We are very grateful for their support in the interim. We strongly believe that the HSE should be part of the solution. There are precedents of the government rightfully reversing decisions to allow vulnerable groups to stay in their communities because moving them would have been detrimental to both them and the community. We insist the government adhere to the commitment made when they set up the Commission on Care for Older People, that is, a commitment to ‘high-quality, person-centred, integrated care in the most appropriate setting.’ Ocean View IS the most appropriate setting for our loved ones.


The residents and families of Ocean View and the extended network of the Keep Ocean View Open campaign.

Why is this important?

Elderly health care in Ireland is an issue that affects us all, if not now, then in the future. What happens in Ocean View could evoke positive change at national level and prevent even more vulnerable people from being displaced. We want to send the government a very clear message. We refuse to let our loved ones pay the human price for a financial crisis not of their making. The government must provide a home for these citizens. 

How it will be delivered

We plan to travel to deliver the petition to the Ministers directly.

Kerry, Co. Kerry, Ireland

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