100 signatures reached
To: To the Minister of Transport, Irish Rail and relating bodies.
Improve public transport for people with a disability.

To provide those with disabilities equal access to Irish Rail Services.
Why is this important?
This is an important issue for all to remove inequality for those with a disability when accessing public transport. Unequal access to transport limits a person greatly as transport can unlock a range of opportunities for an individual with it allowing ease of access to necessities in life such as education and employment. Irish Rail is failing to provide adequate accessible transport for all, with people with a disability facing many barriers when using train services. These include:
• 4 hour notice required to Irish Rail for those who need assistance
getting on and off a train;
• Reliance on staff being present for use of a manual ramp to allow a
passenger who needs assistance to get on and off the train;
• Lifts being left broken in train stations for long periods of time;
• Visual and sound aids on board not working.
Other issues which were highlighted from respondents in a study mentioned in 'Transport Access For All 2012' include:
• More space for wheelchair users and better toilets on board;
• Automatic ramps so wheelchair users could board independently;
• A pass in place of tickets for disabled people because it can be
difficult standing in queues.
• Signposting of wheelchair accessible routes.
Improvements need to be made to allow ease of access for people with a disability. We need to lobby and have support from the public in order for these improvements to come into action. The needs of the disabled should not be over looked when considering transport and they need to be met by the Minister of Transport, Irish Rail and relating bodies. Inaccessible transport for those with a disability widens the gap of inequality in our Irish society. The current infrastructure in place for Irish Rail does not match up to the modern technology available in our world today. 4 hours notice and unreliable lifts need to be a thing of past. Improvements need to happen and need to happen now.
• 4 hour notice required to Irish Rail for those who need assistance
getting on and off a train;
• Reliance on staff being present for use of a manual ramp to allow a
passenger who needs assistance to get on and off the train;
• Lifts being left broken in train stations for long periods of time;
• Visual and sound aids on board not working.
Other issues which were highlighted from respondents in a study mentioned in 'Transport Access For All 2012' include:
• More space for wheelchair users and better toilets on board;
• Automatic ramps so wheelchair users could board independently;
• A pass in place of tickets for disabled people because it can be
difficult standing in queues.
• Signposting of wheelchair accessible routes.
Improvements need to be made to allow ease of access for people with a disability. We need to lobby and have support from the public in order for these improvements to come into action. The needs of the disabled should not be over looked when considering transport and they need to be met by the Minister of Transport, Irish Rail and relating bodies. Inaccessible transport for those with a disability widens the gap of inequality in our Irish society. The current infrastructure in place for Irish Rail does not match up to the modern technology available in our world today. 4 hours notice and unreliable lifts need to be a thing of past. Improvements need to happen and need to happen now.