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To: Galway City Council

Establish a Public Parks Warden unit in Galway City

We call upon the members of Galway City Council to vote next Monday at their first meeting of 2019 supportting a motion to establish a public park wardens unit

Why is this important?

Public parks, woods and other green spaces are more and more recognised as essential to the health of people and to the wellbeing of the planet.
Sadly Galway city’s public parks are increasingly suffering from anti-social behaviour that is undermining all of the great work that has been undertaken over so many decades by volunteers of all ages. Issues such as litter, dumping, destruction of seating/tables and tree felling are undermining not only citizens’ enjoyment of our valuable green spaces but are also impacting negatively on wildlife species.
It is well past time that Galway city follows the centuries-old example of Dublin and Belfast in having dedicated full time park wardens. Such on-the-ground staff could regularly carry out essential maintenance, act as tour guides, dramatically decrease acts of vandalism and in the process restore public confidence and usage of a rich diverse range of meadows, forests, wetlands and parks that would be the envy of most other European cities.
Galway City, County Galway, Ireland

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5 years ago

100 signatures reached

6 years ago

50 signatures reached

6 years ago

25 signatures reached

6 years ago

10 signatures reached