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To: The Houses of the Oireachtas

Enact the Occupied Territories Bill

Please listen to the voices of the BDS National Committee, the Palestinian people, our Irish diaspora and activists globally who are aware of the potential power for good in the Occupied Territories Bill(OTB). They are pleading with us to enact it. Please be the leaders you believe yourselves to be and make it happen.

Why is this important?

At this stage in the genocide it is unbelievable that Ireland has a powerful bill, that could help the people of Palestine, waiting in the wings to be enacted since 2018. It took immense effort from many political, academic and legal minds to get the bill to its present position in the legislative process. There is no legal excuse for stalling it any longer. To quote Sen. Frances Black “... it’s not a legal issue, it’s a question of political will. The weight of legal advice makes it clear that we can pursue this if we’re willing to be brave about it – we need to stand up and show leadership”. (Irish times, 13 Jun 2020.) Something has to begin the process of turning the tide on the genocide in Palestine, especially Gaza. The OTB has been identified by multiple organisations nationally and internationally as the single most important and effective action that Ireland as a nation can take, at this time in October 2024. 

Enacting the OTB can without doubt have a ripple effect throughout the world. Let's throw the pebble in the ocean of support for Palestine and see it do the work it was always intended to achieve.

How it will be delivered

In person to the Houses of the Oireachtas at Leinster House



2024-10-13 22:52:54 +0100

Dear All,

The petition has not actually been submitted! I, along with Senator Black and Uplift, took a decision to hold off on submitting it. We've decided to use it to demonstrate the increasing nationwide public support for the bill to politicians as they approach the election.

The collective campaign called Pass the OTB are now leveraging it as Sen. Black goes round the country to engage with councils requesting that they pass a motion to enact the OTB.

Now the 2 main actions in regard to the petition and Pass the OTB working together are
* that we continue to promote the petition and collect names to show public support for the bill at grassroots level
* that we also ask the public to write to their local councillors to request that they support the motion to enact the OTB when it comes before them to show support at local government level

I will update you should there be a shift in focus .

Please keep sharing

Le meas go deo


2024-09-22 20:43:40 +0100

20,000 signatures reached

2024-09-21 22:32:18 +0100

Dear friends,

Please note that though the petition is really gathering momentum we only have until Tuesday 24th Sept to get as many names as possible on it! With the help of good friends in solidarity I made a decision to submit it after the summer recess. Once submitted the government will not accept any further names against it.

Until Tuesday, I'm asking you to please get as many names on it as you can. Ask your mother, your brother, your neighbours and friends. Help them to understand its importance and help them to sign it if necessary please.

Also, as some of you may know the petition has gathered a nationwide campaign around it called #walkthepetition. It's an 11 day relay walk from Cahersiveen to the Houses of the Oireachtas. The last walkers will arrive at 4.30pm Tuesday 24th September on Molesworth St for delivery of the petition. Please be with us as we do so. This is your petition. You should come.

Saoirse don Phalaistín

Dee and all in #walkthepetition

2024-09-13 13:16:03 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2024-09-05 17:50:51 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2024-05-25 11:37:09 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2024-04-09 08:08:49 +0100

500 signatures reached

2024-04-04 21:02:34 +0100

100 signatures reached

2024-04-04 19:24:34 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-04-04 18:17:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-04-04 16:09:34 +0100

10 signatures reached