25 signatures reached
To: Government officials and local business
CCBS is Sick of Plastic!

I want to see:
Supermarkets reduce the amount of plastic packaging they use.
Free water refill areas (taps!) for the general public.
A deposit and return scheme on plastic bottles and cans.
A levy on single-use plastic items, like take-away cups.
A ban on micro-plastics.
Supermarkets reduce the amount of plastic packaging they use.
Free water refill areas (taps!) for the general public.
A deposit and return scheme on plastic bottles and cans.
A levy on single-use plastic items, like take-away cups.
A ban on micro-plastics.
Why is this important?
Plastic is taking over our world. It's everywhere. Supermarkets cover everything in plastic, including fresh fruit and veg. 160,000 plastic bags are used globally every second! 5 trillion plastic bags are produced yearly. Side by side, they can encircle the world 7 times. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is a floating landfill of garbage in the Pacific twice the size of Texas, is mostly composed of plastic.
We want to reduce the use of plastic in the world, to protect the environment and particularly marine life.
We want to reduce the use of plastic in the world, to protect the environment and particularly marine life.
How it will be delivered
We are using the same text as the Friends of the Earth petition for their Sick of Plastic campaign and will share our petition with them. We will also send our petition to all the major supermarkets in Ireland. We will suggest installing a water-bottle refill area (a tap!) with the student council so we don't have to buy bottled water.