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To: The Minister for Health and HSE

Birr Primary Care Centre

We urge the Minister for Health and the HSE to take immediate action on developing a primary care centre for Birr without further delay.

Why is this important?

Primary Care Centre for Birr

This week the HSE turned down the Rectory Field as a location for the proposed Birr Primary Care Centre.

For years the HSE have been informing the people of Birr that they are committed to providing a Primary Care Centre in the town and to date nothing has happened.

This weeks news has set us back to square one.

Tullamore has a Primary care centre, the Primary Care Centre in Banagher is near completion so why is Birr no further on??

We need to show the HSE that the people of Birr and surrounding areas need a Primary care centre and we want the HSE to make this a priority.

The HSE have given an assurance that space will be provided for the possible return of our “Out of Hours (MIDOC) “ when the Birr Primary Care Centre is built. The longer the delay the longer the wait to get our MIDOC back to BIRR.

We are also asking for an “X-RAY Diagnostic Hub” in the new PCC. It is amazing how many cars travel to Tullamore by day and night for this service.

We are fed up of travelling and fed up of waiting weeks to see a doctor.

We urge the Minister for Health and the HSE to take immediate action on developing a primary care centre for Birr without further delay.
Townparks, Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland

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2020-11-16 18:21:14 +0000

100 signatures reached

2020-11-16 14:15:33 +0000

50 signatures reached

2020-11-16 13:02:59 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-11-16 12:19:20 +0000

10 signatures reached