100 signatures reached
To: Fingal CoCo
Zebra Pedestrian Crossing on Dublin Rd

As a result of this petition we would like the current crossing at The Forge and Chapel Farm estate entrances of sloped curbs and island at the centre of the road upgraded to a zebra Pedestrian Crossing including the painted road markings, flashing light poles and ample signage to warn drivers to slow down and proceed with caution to let pedestrians cross safely with possible traffic calming measures such as speed ramps on either side of the proposed pedestrian crossing.
Why is this important?
This is a petition to erect a non-traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing on the Dublin Road between the Forge Estate entrance and the entrance to Chapel Farm.
This crossing currently only has sloped curbs, an island in the middle of the two flows of traffic on the road with no signage. This route is used daily by all residents of the Lusk community, including those travelling to preschools in the area with young children.
The problem this crossing currently has is that traffic does not stop to let pedestrians cross safely and when there is no traffic at any given time and a pedestrian commences crossing, vehicles then come from the roundabout or Lusk Village direction at high speeds before the pedestrian gets a chance to cross safely.
With the influx of new builds in the area there is an increase of young families now travelling to schools and preschools with their children and this crossing is currently unsafe for those children.
This crossing currently only has sloped curbs, an island in the middle of the two flows of traffic on the road with no signage. This route is used daily by all residents of the Lusk community, including those travelling to preschools in the area with young children.
The problem this crossing currently has is that traffic does not stop to let pedestrians cross safely and when there is no traffic at any given time and a pedestrian commences crossing, vehicles then come from the roundabout or Lusk Village direction at high speeds before the pedestrian gets a chance to cross safely.
With the influx of new builds in the area there is an increase of young families now travelling to schools and preschools with their children and this crossing is currently unsafe for those children.