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To: Department of Business Enterprise and Innovation, Department Of Justice and Equality, Oireachtas

Support Stamp 3 - Spouse/Dependent Visa Holders of PhD students for the Right to Work

It is increasingly important that those migrating to Ireland for the purpose of their PhD research are being joined by the families. It is strange that the dependents of PhD students coming from Non-EU nations cannot work in Ireland and support each other financially. Rather this will be a good opportunity for the dependents of the PhD students to contribute in Ireland by working displaying their skills and paying tax.

We believe that the family members accompanying PhD students should receive immediate access to the labour market once they have been granted a resident permit. Otherwise, it creates difficulty for the PhD students to manage financially and it also might hamper their research work as there can be a potential financial burden. It is strange that the dependent of the PhD students under hosting agreement can have access to the labour market but the dependents of the PhD students who are not under hosting agreement cannot have access to the labour market.

- Employers should be given clear information, including, if required, training so they are aware of the rights of Stamp 3 holders, the dependents of PhD students and encouraged to provide a fair opportunity to candidates in this category.
- The INIS website should be edited to clearly explain the State’s policy to facilitate the access to employment of dependent family members of the PhD students residing in Ireland.
- The dependent family members of the PhD students should have direct authorization to work and should only be required to register their employment.

Why is this important?

The dependents of PhD students would like to support their spouses who are conducting research in Irish institutions and contribute to Ireland with the skills they have possessed.
It can be discouraging for other potential non-EU PhD students to come to Ireland due to dissatisfaction among their spouses, coupled with difficulty to manage living in Ireland owing to limited financial support.
We are not demanding any special status or advantage for the spouses - only the RIGHT TO WORK AND PAY TAXES in Ireland.
Stamp 3 holders are spouses/partners/dependents of non-EU PhD students who can contribute to flourish Irish Economy.
PhD students could have thought of options, but we chose Ireland. Let us Conduct research in Irish institutions, Integrate and Contribute!
We need a solution and your support to help us to integrate into Irish society and contribute through our research.

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2022-10-24 12:05:46 +0100

500 signatures reached

2020-08-21 15:28:27 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-08-21 00:43:01 +0100

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2020-08-17 10:59:24 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-07-26 11:47:48 +0100

10 signatures reached