To: Cork City Council
Stop the Ballybrack Bridge
Stop the building of the bridge over Ballybrack woods
Why is this important?
Ballybrack woods is a unique area of woodland in the heartbeat of Douglas. It's an idyllic, peaceful amenity. The destruction of trees, habitats and biodiversity in this area would be detrimental. This area is also of huge historical importance due to the close connection with Morough Mills. The Mangolds, locally called Mangles, that gave it its name were grown there to be used in the mills. The residents of Douglas will not allow or stand by the destruction of this vitally important amenity.
Ballybrack woods is a unique area of woodland in the heartbeat of Douglas. It's an idyllic, peaceful amenity. The destruction of trees, habitats and biodiversity in this area would be detrimental. This area is also of huge historical importance due to the close connection with Morough Mills. The Mangolds, locally called Mangles, that gave it its name were grown there to be used in the mills. The residents of Douglas will not allow or stand by the destruction of this vitally important amenity.