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To: Uisce Éireann, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Environment Directorate of Cork County Council, our local Teachtaí Dála, Senators and County Councillors

Stop Sewage Pollution in Ballydehob Bay

This campaign has ended.

We demand an immediate upgrade of the Ballydehob Wastewater Treatment Plant, as specified in Condition 5 of the Wastewater Discharge Licence D0467-01, pertaining to the plant.

Why is this important?

To stop the shocking and ongoing pollution caused by the current inadequate and obsolete septic tank.
Knockroe, Ballydehob, Co. Cork, Ireland

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2024-10-29 11:50:07 +0000

100 signatures reached

2024-10-26 23:11:07 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-10-26 08:33:48 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-10-25 20:16:29 +0100

10 signatures reached