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To: Owen Keegan CEO Dublin City Council and Brendan Kenny Deputy Chief Executive

Stop O'Devaney Homes being sold to Vultures!

Ban the sale of homes at O’Devaney Gardens to vulture funds and large corporate landlords.

Why is this important?

In September 2021 the sale of homes at O'Devaney Gardens to vulture funds and large corporate landlords was banned, due to public outcry. Since then Bartra Capital, the main developers of the site, lobbied An Bord Pleanala, including threatening legal action, to rescind the ban. This week An Bord Pleanala caved.

This means that hundreds of homes that could have been used for public housing, cost rental and affordable purchase will now, most likely, be sold in one big chuck to a vulture fund or large corporate landlord, who will charge extortionate rent and give little back to our community, unless we stop them.

Dublin City Council Management have a responsibility and the power to step in and uphold a ban on the sale to vulture funds and large corporate landlords.

Sign and share this petition to ensure that Dublin City Council Management step in and stop O’Devaney homes being sold to vulture funds and large corporate landlords.
O'Devaney Gardens, Stoneybatter, Dublin, Ireland

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2022-04-13 07:44:22 +0100

100 signatures reached

2022-04-12 23:33:47 +0100

50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

2022-04-12 17:41:13 +0100

10 signatures reached