To: Minister Roderic O'Gorman

Solidarity With Our Ukrainian Community in Cahersiveen – Let Them Stay

Our community is deeply concerned about the fate of the Ukrainian residents, received a letter last Friday informing them of a compulsory relocation.They have settled in Cahersiveen and become an integral part of our community.

Why is this important?

We urge Minister O'Gorman who, along with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, is responsible for refugees, to urgently reconsider his decision to remove up to 180 vulnerable people in the coming weeks and days from their homes. These residents have made a significant contribution to our town's growth and success, and we would be devastated to see them forced to leave.

The Ukrainian community in Cahersiveen is currently facing the heart-wrenching prospect of their lives being torn apart once again, which has left many of them devastated. The news has been difficult to bear, and many have not stopped crying since they heard about the possibility of being forced to leave.

Families are being split apart, and children will be torn away from the friends they have made in their new home. This is a heartbreaking situation for everyone involved, and we cannot stress enough how much this would negatively impact the lives of those affected. The thought of having to uproot themselves once again after settling into a new community is daunting and distressing.

As a community, we have worked tirelessly to integrate these individuals and families into our town, a key remit for the department and European. It has not been an easy process, however, the hard work has paid off, and we have seen, welcomed and managed a 50% increase in our population, with professional and volunteer input contributing significantly to our town’s success. This also includes maintaining rural school numbers which has had a positive impact both socially and economically. Further, a move to other places will inhibit any early years provision for child care places.

The Ukrainian residents in our town are not just faces in the crowd; they are active members of our community. They work in our businesses, send their children to school with our kids, and participate in our sports clubs and social organisations. They have started to open new businesses in our town, providing employment opportunities in the town. They are immersed in further education and training in the O’Connell FET Centre, upskilling in full-time and part-time course and all levels of English Language.

We implore the Minister to consider the impact his decision will have on our community and the individuals and families who call Cahersiveen their home.
Carhan Lower, Cahersiveen, Co. Kerry, Ireland

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