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To: TD, HSE, Department of Art, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs

Sneem needs a doctor.

After a visit to Cork with our 1,650 signatures where we met Michael Butler, the Primary Care Unit Manager of the HSE South, interviews with two candidates took rapidly place and a few days later we received the message from him that a successful candidate had been identified. So Sneem will have a new doctor!

Creating the conditions for welcoming and supporting a doctor in Sneem.
Protecting vital services in rural Ireland ... and saving rural GP services (Government Action plan for Rural Development)

Why is this important?

Our Doctor in Sneem will retire in October.

During 33 years the village and the wider region of Sneem have been looked after by an outstanding, caring and deeply committed professional. But now the time has come to turn the page. We all know that Sneem needs a new doctor. Not only the elderly need a doctor, not only our Pharmacy needs a doctor in order to stay open, not only the young families in the town and the many visitors we welcome each year, also the groceries and all the shops and businesses depend on the presence of a local doctor in Sneem. As we live two and a half hours away from the nearest hospital, and forty minutes from Kenmare where the nearest doctor would be and no bus service to get us there, it is of vital importance that we have a doctor appointed for Sneem.

We invite you to sign this petition and to ask your family and friends to help us make known all over Ireland that Sneem is looking forward to welcome and to support a new doctor.
Sneem, Kerry, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2017-09-07 21:41:11 +0100

Sneem will have a new doctor:

Dear Minister Griffin,

You were in contact with the HSE regarding the forthcoming vacant GP position in Sneem.

Cork Kerry Community Healthcare is pleased to advise ,a successful candidate has been identified following recent interviews for the position. A response to this offer of the permanent post is expected shortly.

The HSE Human Resource office has also requested the normal suite of documentation, References, Garda Vetting etc. prior to the setting of the date of commencement of the new GP.

The local HSE Primary Care Unit is fully engaged and supporting this transition from Dr Pat Malone to the new permanent GP, wherever possible.


Majella Daly,

Primary Care Services Manager,
Cork Kerry Community Healthcare
Health Service Executive

2017-09-07 16:30:10 +0100

Petition is successful with 587 signatures

2017-08-24 13:44:52 +0100

National and regional press

Irish Times 5-6.08.2017, Residents fear Sneem..., Anne Lucey
Irish Times online 5.08.2017
Irish Examiner 5.08.2017, Almost 1000 people..., Anne Lucey
Irish Examiner online 5.08.2017
Irish Independent online 5.08.2017 Loss of GP..., Claire Fox
News & Star 5.8.2017, Almost 1000 people..., Anne Lucey

Killarney Today, 30.07.2017, Worried locals..., John O’Mahony
Sneem Community Notice Board, 03.08.2017, Sneem Needs a doctor
Kerry’s Eye, 03.08.2017, Sinead Kelleher
Kerryman, 09.08.2017, Sneem must not be left..., Tadhg Evans
Kenmare News, August 2017

Radio Kerry, 02.08.2017, Sneem GP..., Kerry Today, Treasa Murphy
RTE Radio 1, 05.08.2017 Marian Finucane
Newstalk. 03.08.2017

2017-08-24 13:40:36 +0100

Today, with 1,644 signatures on the petitions (paper and Uplift online), the effort of the village is very much acknowledged (see next post for press).

We met the HSE Primary Care Unit Manager Michael Butler. We found him very engaged. Experts will conduct interviews in order to find a candidate. It is important to let this process happen quietly. To have the support and goodwill of the HSE is paramount.

This process starts mid September and takes 2 - 3 weeks. After that the chosen Doctor will set up his/her practice following discussions with the present Doctors. There is an allowance given by the HSE for the position.

Everybody knows Sneem needs a permanent solution. If nobody is selected the HSE will arrange temporarily to have full continuity of the practice in Sneem, and we will once again show our determination and also contact politicians and the media.

For now it is important to trust and support the normal process.

2017-08-06 19:23:30 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-07-27 20:35:34 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-07-27 18:00:12 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-07-27 17:18:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-07-27 16:48:26 +0100

10 signatures reached